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Gun rights
Things that are not a solution to any public-policy problem
J.E. Dyer
September 23, 2021
Biden tells Americans they would need nukes and F-15s to oppose the federal government
J.E. Dyer
June 24, 2021
Mo. county authorizes arrest of federal agents who try to infringe 2A rights
Rusty Weiss
February 27, 2021
84 U.S. representatives push back on Dem’s effort to prohibit gun carry in Capitol
Daily Caller News Foundation
January 3, 2021
Confusion – and 1,100 purchases denied in first month – as new Virginia gun restrictions take effect
Daily Caller News Foundation
August 6, 2020
Illinois: Gun permit requests – and sales – skyrocket, but uptick began with COVID-19 lockdown
J.E. Dyer
June 26, 2020
Biden tells voter who confronts him on his gun policy ‘You’re full of sh*t’
Ben Bowles
March 10, 2020
‘You just made me a felon!’ Angry crowd removed by security after Va. House committee passes weapons ban
J.E. Dyer
February 11, 2020
Massive gun rights rally goes off without incident; Gov. Northam takes credit for ‘de-escalating’ it
J.E. Dyer
January 21, 2020
Virginia gun rights rally: Law-abiding citizens being mislabeled by media and politicians, and targeted by radical fringe
J.E. Dyer
January 19, 2020
Man arrested in Maryland for threat to Virginia gun rally is illegal immigrant from Canada
Daily Caller News Foundation
January 18, 2020
Churchgoers kill Texas shooter
Hans Bader
December 29, 2019
In ‘red flag’ gun bill, House Dems want to flag high-risk individuals; just not police-identified gang members
LU Staff
September 18, 2019
Dem Senator warns SCOTUS: Gun case decision could stoke progressive fire to pack court
Daily Caller News Foundation
August 13, 2019
Venezuelans now regret letting government take their guns away
Jeff Dunetz
June 12, 2019
The reason – yes, you want to know this – why the recount for FL agriculture commissioner matters
J.E. Dyer
November 14, 2018
Twitter: Tweeting that Dana Loesch’s children need to be murdered does not violate rules
Daily Caller News Foundation
August 27, 2018
Teen tyrant David Hogg claims with a straight face that guns have more rights than women
Joe Newby
July 8, 2018
Whoopi Goldberg: ‘You don’t want people to take your guns? Get out of my vagina!’
LU Staff
June 29, 2018
David Hogg declares war on the NRA: A ‘thumb’ war
Ben Bowles
May 26, 2018
Another student walkout over guns, but this time by 2A supporters: The MSM’s reaction?
Howard Portnoy
March 31, 2018
Surgeon general who called ‘gun control part of medicine’ gone from Trump administration
J.E. Dyer
April 22, 2017
Media misleading us again: House did NOT vote to let the mentally ill have guns
J.E. Dyer
February 4, 2017
Feds get local police to record license plates of gun-show attendees
J.E. Dyer
October 4, 2016
Tweet of the Day: Michael Moore weighs in on AR-15, hilarity ensues
Howard Portnoy
June 15, 2016
Guns and gays, post-Orlando: The twin attack themes Team Obama and the media are preparing
J.E. Dyer
June 15, 2016
Katie Couric finally admits editing of anti-gun documentary was deceptive, apologizes
LU Staff
May 31, 2016
‘Journalist’ Katie Couric doctored video to cast gun rights activists in negative light
Deneen Borelli
May 26, 2016
Oops. Why some in the fan base may want to rethink Harriet Tubman on the $20
J.E. Dyer
April 21, 2016
Image of the Day: Why these are the Americans Obama loves to hate
J.E. Dyer
January 2, 2016
Jesus joins the NRA
Matt Barber
December 13, 2015
Connecticut: Governor to ban gun purchases for anyone on terror watch list
LU Staff
December 11, 2015
All the more reason for the people to be armed
J.E. Dyer
December 3, 2015
White House suggests, once again, what you should talk about at Thanksgiving dinner
J.E. Dyer
November 24, 2015
Texas professors release impassioned – openly racist- manifesto on campus carry
LU Staff
November 15, 2015
Guess which pres. candidate and former secretary of state is scheduled to get a ‘gun control’ award
J.E. Dyer
November 14, 2015
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