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police brutality
Texas Republicans advance plan to penalize cities that defund police
Daily Caller News Foundation
May 8, 2021
Civil rights activist who was among Capitol rioters was far-left agitator
Howard Portnoy
January 12, 2021
Is nothing sacred? Chicago rioters smash up Ronald McDonald House with sick children inside
Guest Post
August 14, 2020
Brooklyn residents advised to settle disputes on their own rather than call cops. How’s that working out?
LU Staff
July 23, 2020
Journo posts video of police brutality that goes viral — just one problem
Guest Post
July 22, 2020
New wave of protests over latest police shooting despite its being wholly justified
LU Staff
July 12, 2020
$1.2 million bail set for driver who allegedly plowed through two Seattle protesters
Daily Caller News Foundation
July 8, 2020
Horrific video shows dad shot dead in Bronx while holding 6-year-old daughter’s hand
LU Staff
July 7, 2020
The empire strikes back: White anti-BLM protesters paint over ‘Black Lives Matter’ slogan
Ben Bowles
July 6, 2020
Crime rises amid growing hostility to the police
Hans Bader
June 23, 2020
George Washington University apologizes for sharing email about police recruitment fair
Daily Caller News Foundation
June 22, 2020
Has COVID-19 vanished? Or has the Left found a shiny new object that fascinates them more
Howard Portnoy
June 4, 2020
Proposed California curriculum riddled with anti-police rhetoric, anti-Israel bias
Daily Caller News Foundation
August 18, 2019
A rebuttal of liberal writer who asks why Trump doesn’t get that ‘protest is as American as football’
Howard Portnoy
September 12, 2018
The myth of excessive force: What really happens in a police shooting
Howard Portnoy
March 24, 2018
Baltimore residents blame the city’s record-high murder rate on WHO?
Ben Bowles
January 2, 2018
Black Caucus demands meeting with FBI director over ‘black identity extremists’ report
LU Staff
October 16, 2017
The Left does itself a disservice by continuing to argue NFL players’ protest is legitimate
Ben Bowles
October 14, 2017
It turns out the solution to the nation’s — nay, world’s — problems is Pepsi Cola *UPDATE*
Ben Bowles
April 5, 2017
An end to the war on the police? The Sessions Memo
Jerome Woehrle
April 4, 2017
OSU knife-wielding terrorist’s name added to memorial list of people of color killed by police
Ben Bowles
December 10, 2016
Catholic university’s course on slavery will have a new section on Donald Trump
Howard Portnoy
November 10, 2016
Daughter of Eric Garner blasts Clinton campaign for using her father as political pawn
Rusty Weiss
October 31, 2016
Twittersphere rules Mary J. Blige’s singing interview of Hillary Clinton ‘just plain bizarre’
Ben Bowles
September 29, 2016
Does dash cam video clear officer who shot this unarmed man? Watch it and decide
Ben Bowles
March 12, 2016
A reader update on the goings-on at college that hurled racial slurs at Ben Carson
LU Staff
January 10, 2016
Despite court injunction, Black Lives Matter terrorizes Mall of America, shuts down Christmas flights
Howard Portnoy
December 24, 2015
Dartmouth activists’ latest demand: Black Lives Matter-themed Winter Carnival
LU Staff
November 18, 2015
Tarantino’s white supremacy claim shows who the real racists are … and it’s not who he thinks
Howard Portnoy
November 5, 2015
As part of tolerance training, NYPD cadets required to view stage play based on whose lives?
Howard Portnoy
October 17, 2015
Who is next on Black Lives Matters’ list of pols to target? Surprise, surprise
Ben Bowles
August 21, 2015
Tweet of the Day: #BlackLivesMatter honors Michael Brown’s memory … with pig roast
Howard Portnoy
August 9, 2015
‘Color-coding’ police: An idea whose time has yet to come
Howard Portnoy
August 8, 2015
Eric Garner’s death will cost New York $5.9 million
LU Staff
July 14, 2015
Where are they now? Occupy protester holding sign demanding ‘Pay me’ arrested
Rusty Weiss
July 9, 2015
Activists show up to burn American flag, but patriots send them running
Rusty Weiss
July 3, 2015
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