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joe biden
At U.S.-Africa summit, Joe Biden refers to ‘nation of Africa’ (Video)
Howard Portnoy
August 6, 2014
Vice President Joe Biden calls 2nd Amendment supporters ‘tea baggers’
Rusty Weiss
July 8, 2014
Funnyman Bill Maher on Obama: ‘I voted for the boy who won’
T. Kevin Whiteman
June 26, 2014
Crazy Joe Biden strikes again: Homeowner fires warning shotgun blast, arrested
Howard Portnoy
May 12, 2014
Flight 370 ‘flew too high, got stuck in heaven’: Libs get stuck swallowing Palin satire
Howard Portnoy
March 25, 2014
Video: Biden tries, fails to read off teleprompter
LU Staff
March 21, 2014
Biden blows it again: Dateline Poland
Howard Portnoy
March 18, 2014
Joe Biden desperately wants to be president
Jeff Dunetz
February 28, 2014
Picture of the Day: What does Joe Biden think women need for Valentine’s Day?
LU Staff
February 14, 2014
What the Wendy Davis story tells us
Howard Portnoy
January 22, 2014
Gates highlights Obama White House disdain of the Armed Forces
T. Kevin Whiteman
January 8, 2014
The Joe Biden gaffe machine makes its Japanese debut
T. Kevin Whiteman
December 3, 2013
Greece’s Golden Dawn Party falsely labeled ‘right-wing’ by mainstream media
Renee Nal
December 1, 2013
Flashback: Harry Reid says nuclear option will ‘ruin our country’
Renee Nal
November 21, 2013
The two faces of Harry Reid
LU Staff
November 21, 2013
Delaware drops $4 million to enroll 4 people in ObamaCare
T. Kevin Whiteman
November 7, 2013
Woman takes Joe Biden's advice, gets arrested
T. Kevin Whiteman
October 23, 2013
While Egypt burns, White House tweets photo of Biden and a camel
Howard Portnoy
August 15, 2013
Obama’s MSM dominoes continue to topple over revelations of NSA spying
Howard Portnoy
June 12, 2013
Flashback: Sen. Biden says Americans shouldn't trust a president who spies on them
LU Staff
June 12, 2013
GOP Rep. says vengeful, incompetent and dishonest Obama 'unfit to lead,' Biden just as bad
Joe Newby
June 4, 2013
Sorry, GOP: Impeachment is NOT an option
Jeff Dunetz
May 20, 2013
Polish weekly runs satire of Sarah Palin calling for Czech invasion as real news
Howard Portnoy
April 24, 2013
Taxpayers spring for Biden's third vacation in past three months
T. Kevin Whiteman
March 29, 2013
Biden has been flying home to Delaware on weekends on taxpayer’s dime
Howard Portnoy
March 24, 2013
Biden tells audience Gabby Giffords was ‘mortally wounded’
Howard Portnoy
March 21, 2013
Joe Biden’s shotgun advice could land his wife in jail
Howard Portnoy
February 21, 2013
WH website offers gun ownership advice from shot gun salesman Joe Biden
Howard Portnoy
February 20, 2013
VP Joe Biden: Obama considering executive order on gun control
Joe Newby
January 9, 2013
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