Shortly after Joe Biden told a heavily black Virginia audience that Republicans and Wall Street will “put y’all back in chains,” there was speculation that maybe that the then 70-year-old Veep was experiencing the onset of senility. One commentator who countered that view was former New York City Mayor and one-time presidential contender Rudy Giuliani, Biden’s junior by only two years.
Appearing on CNBC’s The Kudlow Report, Giuliani said:
I mean, this guy just isn’t bright. He’s never been bright. He isn’t bright. People think well, he just talks a little too much. Actually, he’s just not very smart.
Whichever is Biden’s problem, he suffered a flareup again today (h/t Weasel Zippers). The man who is a heartbeat away was enlarging on a topic near and dear to him — gun control legislation. In invoking the example of the Tuscon shootings that took place in early 2011, Biden seemed unable to recall the name of the city, singularized the name “Giffords” to “Gifford,” and announced that the former congresswoman had been “mortally wounded” in the attack.
Let’s go to the videotape:
Think about what happened out in — where Gabby Gifford, my good friend, was shot and mortally wounded.
As for Giffords’s being Biden’s good friend, it’s hard to know whether the feeling is mutual after Biden’s greeting to her on her first trip back to Washington in August 2011:
Now we’re both members of the Cracked Head Club.’ You know, I had two craniotomies. For real. They literally took the top of my head off. Twice. Now, the wags in Delaware, when the second operation occurred, wrote and said, ‘Well, it’s because they couldn’t find a brain the first time!’
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