Barack Obama has to stop making it this easy; takes all the fun out of it.
The Washington Times notes that on Wednesday, as the death count in Cairo was rising (by day’s end 327 people lau dead), the White House paid tribute to “Hump Day,” with a photo of Vice President Joe Biden posing next to a camel. (Biden is the one on the right, in case you weren’t sure.)
As though this weren’t enough, Obama’s handlers also posted an animated .GIF to its Tumblr blog showing the vice president sharing a guffaw with the ungulate. Two hours later, the administration caught up with the grim reality here on planet earth and began tweeting about the violence in Egypt.
But the decision to post the camel picture brought much tsk-tsking from both sides of the political spectrum. Elise Foley of Huffington Post tweeted, “Go home, @whitehouse, you’re drunk.” National Review editor Charles C.W. Cooke messaged, “Obama is so much like Lincoln,” while another user wrote, “Massacre in Egypt. Hyper-sensitive @whitehouse tweets picture of Biden with a camel.”
Once the White House managed to shake off the sillies, it offered condolences to the families of those who had been killed. In a statement, the administration said:
The world is watching what is happening in Cairo. We urge the government of Egypt — and all parties in Egypt — to refrain from violence and resolve their differences peacefully.
Sources tell me that if you pulled the message’s finger, it broke wind, but this claim has yet to be substantiated.
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