Video: Biden tries, fails to read off teleprompter

A Friday two-fer featuring the stooge that is one heartbeat away from the presidency.

Biden was promoting Obamacare at a meeting in Washington of the National Association of Community Health Centers. In its itself, this was preaching to the choir, but that didn’t prevent the Veep from stating, as the WaPo’s Aaron Blake memorably noted in a tweet:

If anyone but Biden made this idiotic remark, it would be assailed by the left as racist, but conservatives and liberals are held to completely different standards when it comes to matters of race. (Remember Biden was also given a pass when he observed that then-Sen. Barack Obama was the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”)

Biden’s second treat came when he attempted to use his boss’s favorite piece of electronic equipment, the teleprompter:

And to think this is during the same speech where he’s dissing other people for not being bright enough to fill out a health insurance application.

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