Vice President Joe Biden told reporters Wednesday that President Obama may use an executive order to deal with gun control, the Weekly Standard reported.
“The president is going to act,” he promised.
“There are executive orders, there’s executive action that can be taken,” he added. “We haven’t decided what that is yet. But we’re compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required.”
Biden made his comments before meeting with victims of gun violence, the Weekly Standard said.
“Biden said that this is a moral issue and that ‘it’s critically important that we act,'” Daniel Halper wrote.
“As the president said, if you’re actions result in only saving one life, they’re worth taking. But I’m convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of Americans and take thousands of people out of harm’s way if we act responsibly,” Biden said.
Biden was placed in charge of a task force on gun control after the Sandy Hook shootings. the task force is set to meet with pro-gun groups, including the NRA, on Thursday. Wal-Mart, a retailer that sells guns and ammunition, will also have a representative at the meeting.
“A rising chorus of voices is standing up against the NRA and the gun lobby’s sway over U.S. politics,” CNN said in what can only be called a huge understatement.
Since the tragic shootings, liberals, including a member of the Texas Democratic Party Executive Committee, have suggested killing members and supporters of the NRA, and the entire Democrat-media complex has engaged in a systematic effort to demonize law-abiding gun owners.
One allegedly “responsible” “news” organization – the Gannet-owned Journal News – published the identities of legal gun permit holders in two New York counties and Gawker published a two-year-old list of gun permit holders in New York City, calling them “a**holes.” Shortly after publishing the list, Gawker said that employees began receiving death threats.
Obama has a long history of ruling by executive fiat. Shortly after being shellacked in the 2010 midterm election, the far left wing Center for American Progress said Obama should use everything at his disposal, including the military, to advance his agenda.
Now, it appears he is planning to bypass Congress and act against the Second Amendment on his own.
Here’s a video of Biden’s comments:
The task force is expected to present its findings by the end of January.
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