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Correcting a mistake that results in black high achievers sharing limelight with whites? That’s racist
Howard Portnoy
June 14, 2021
Cartoon of the Day: Land of the freebie
A. F. Branco
April 26, 2021
SF Board of Ed. VP goes there, claims meritocracy is racist
LU Staff
February 7, 2021
This is cancel culture’s latest victim: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Ben Bowles
February 1, 2021
The biggest stumbling block to progress on racial equality? ‘Whitelash’
Ben Bowles
January 11, 2021
Prayer to open 117th Congress ended with ‘Amen’ and ‘Awoman’
Ben Bowles
January 4, 2021
Repeat after me, class: ‘I’m a racist. I will try to do better’
LU Staff
September 2, 2020
BLM protests are not about black equality: They are about leftist power
Howard Portnoy
July 3, 2020
More Biden memories: That time in the ‘60s when he and his dad saw two men kissing
Ben Bowles
March 27, 2020
Colorado city now allows ‘women as young as 11′ to go topless in public
Howard Portnoy
November 2, 2019
Latest gender pay gap claim: U.S. women’s soccer team sues for equal pay
Guest Post
June 26, 2019
Dems claim to champion fairness and equality. When will they start proving it?
LU Staff
April 23, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez’s latest: Let’s draft ‘all genders’ into the military
Ben Bowles
April 9, 2019
U.S. Open will now allow women to change their shirts on the court
Ben Bowles
August 30, 2018
Lawyers: White students at school planning to reduce white enrollment have grounds for suit
Daily Caller News Foundation
July 22, 2018
Evergreen State College will replace event where it asks whites to leave campus for the day
LU Staff
February 13, 2018
The 45-foot-tall statue of a naked woman that was to appear on the National Mall won’t
LU Staff
October 26, 2017
Feminist mag’s ‘final solution’ to white supremacy is not suicide by whites. It’s much more hideous.
Joe Newby
June 26, 2017
Maxine Waters questions patriotism of Trump supporters on House floor
Joe Newby
March 29, 2017
UC students protest another speaker they find ‘oppressive.’ His identity will shock you
Hombre Sinnombre
February 22, 2017
Protesters at UC Berkeley block white students from getting to class
Deneen Borelli
October 29, 2016
Do as they say, not as they do: Clinton Foundation gender pay gap huge, re WikiLeaks
LU Staff
October 23, 2016
No safe spaces for anti-safe spacers
Joe Messina
September 26, 2016
It doesn’t take a shooting to bring out the looters: Witness this disgusting story out of Louisiana
Howard Portnoy
August 17, 2016
The Washington Post and its resident hack, Jonathan Capehart, are allergic to the truth
Matt Barber
August 8, 2016
Liberals post more than 1,000 sexist and insulting tweets about Melania Trump
Howard Portnoy
July 20, 2016
Justice Ginsburg: Maybe dissing Donald Trump wasn’t such a good idea
Ben Bowles
July 14, 2016
Open borders advocate Mark Zuckerberg buys property in Hawaii, promptly does this
Ben Bowles
June 28, 2016
Video: Prager U asks why feminists don’t fight for Muslim women
LU Staff
June 27, 2016
N.C. high schools will end practice of naming a valedictorian because … well just because
Howard Portnoy
May 31, 2016
Clinton says, if elected, half her cabinet will be women: why that’s problematic
Howard Portnoy
April 26, 2016
Video: Why do men beat their wives? Saudi family therapist tells all
Howard Portnoy
April 21, 2016
Revenge over N.C. bathroom law just took an unintentionally hilarious turn
Howard Portnoy
April 12, 2016
Image of the Day: Sign outside FL church creating a stir
Ben Bowles
February 20, 2016
CIA has a program specifically designed to recruit transgenders
LU Staff
February 19, 2016
Community college to devote entire month to ‘whiteness (shaming)’
Ben Bowles
January 18, 2016
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