Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do to end the scourge of “white supremacy” in your country.
With apologies to John F. Kennedy, advice to that effect was dispensed last Wednesday by the online feminist publication Medusa Magazine, which called on white women to do their part to end this stain on American culture. How? By aborting their white babies.
“In a progressive society, it is often white families that stand in the way of equality and justice. Systemic white supremacy depends, first and foremost, on the white family unit,” counsels author Nicole Valentine, who adds:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
When white conquerors forcefully penetrated the indigenous, egalitarian homeland of the Native peoples of America, they were quick to replicate their white societies, initiating their parasitism by establishing white plantations, headed by white fathers, submissive white mothers, and, most critically, white children, with full dominion over the enslaved and oppressed people of color that were forced to uphold these micro-fiefdoms.
It is no surprise, then, that America’s fascination with the white family unit has gone hand-in-hand with the historical proliferation of white supremacy. After Bacon’s Rebellion, white micro-fieftans thought it necessary to expand the definition of white family to encompass the entirety of white society, so as to coerce the working class to fight amongst itself based on racial lines. Whites are embedded from birth with the sense of common white identity, and this identity conditions them to replicate the white family unit, thus furthering the cycle of white supremacy in America. That is why the white family unit must be destroyed. [Emphasis added]
So much for tolerance.
Valentine’s pep talk goes on in this vein for another 600 words, touching on all the hot button issues of the day. There’s racism, the need for gun control, and even the need to junk — or at least heavily rewrite — the Constitution, which in its current form is “exclusively beneficial to the white race.”
A few of the more outrageous recommendations bear repeating:
- White women: instead of devoting your time and energy to white children who will reinforce the struggles of women of color, how about asking women of color in what ways you can assist them in their self-liberation? How about adopting children of color who have lost their parents to the destructive white supremacist society that you have enabled and encouraged?
- Of course, the best choice is to act preventatively to ensure that white children are not at risk of being born. But in circumstances in which termination and generation are the options, it is best to take advantage of your right to choose, and abort in favor of assisting women of color. [Emphasis added]
What Valentine is essentially advocating in her hate-filled screed is genocide by abortion.
Her ideas, as vile and repulsive as they are, are not novel. In fact, they’ve been around for close to a century and are enlarged on in scientific journals like the Birth Control Review, which in April 1933 ran a special sterilization issue.
Among the scholarly works found in that publication is an article by one E.A. Whitney, M.D., who outlines a strategy for making America a more successful democracy by “restrict[ing] the propagation of those physically, mentally, and socially inadequate.” How? Through forced sterilization of the “feeble-minded, the “insane,” “idiots,” “epileptics,” and other groups.
One of Whitney’s peers offered even more sweeping reforms in an earlier edition of the Birth Control Review. The year was 1919, and the title of the monograph was “Birth Control and Racial Betterment.” Its author also advocated for the sterilization of specific groups, including “the feeble-minded, the insane and syphilitic,” but she didn’t stop there. She went on in 1939 to found the Negro Project:
Developed by white birth control reformers, who consulted with African-Americans for help in promoting the project only well after its inception, the Negro Project and associated campaigns were, nevertheless, widely supported by such black leaders as Mary McLeod Bethune, W. E. B. DuBois, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism.
That name of that pioneer? Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.
Nicole Valentine should feel so proud.
Howard Portnoy contributed to this post.
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