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government waste
Biden’s $2.5 trillion infrastructure plan will drive jobs overseas, harm economy
Hans Bader
April 1, 2021
What’s the most wasteful line of spending in the $1.9 trillion ‘COVID relief’ package?
LU Staff
March 11, 2021
Congress approves ‘COVID relief’ package that harms America’s future economic well-being
Hans Bader
March 6, 2021
Biden COVID ‘relief’ bill is full of waste and unconstitutional preferences
Hans Bader
March 3, 2021
Seattle hires transgender stripper to perform at conference on solving homelessness
Ben Bowles
December 16, 2019
Lifestyles of the rich and infamous: Pelosi and pals stop off for R & R on their way to Africa
LU Staff
July 30, 2019
Pentagon spending should be cut
Hans Bader
March 15, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez dredges up old myth about ‘missing’ $21 trillion in Pentagon spending
LU Staff
December 3, 2018
Judge who worked 1 day out of 214 and received pay raise can’t understand media’s interest
Howard Portnoy
April 6, 2018
Poetic: High-dollar HQ of Elizabeth Warren’s CFPB brainchild is overrun with rats
LU Staff
March 6, 2018
Obama administration awarding taxpayer-funded business grants to deported immigrants
Kenric Ward
December 26, 2016
‘Deplorables’ will be a hundred times harder on Hillary Clinton than Tea Party was on Obama
Ben Bowles
October 25, 2016
Labor Day: Burgers, brats and Bolshevism
Matt Barber
September 4, 2016
The ‘budget-challenged’ VA has 167 of these professionals on the payroll
LU Staff
August 9, 2016
Quote of the Day: When is 5 inches not 5 inches?
Ben Bowles
July 29, 2016
Oops: ‘Blind’ man caught driving, reading
Howard Portnoy
May 15, 2016
U.S. gov’t spending $300K a day on plane tickets; the identity of the passengers will floor you
Ben Bowles
April 15, 2016
Guess how much the Defense Department blew on ‘improper’ travel expenses
LU Staff
March 11, 2016
Feds paid $700K to study whether glaciers are guilty of this social injustice
LU Staff
March 8, 2016
Shining a spotlight on climate change musical, other NSF grants
Kenric Ward
February 15, 2016
To combat public urination, San Francisco takes this … er — interesting step
Deneen Borelli
February 15, 2016
Obama: The $10 million man
LU Staff
January 21, 2016
You won’t believe what gov’t is paying these employees to do on your dime
LU Staff
January 21, 2016
Will 2016 channel 1968 as a year that changed history?
Myra Kahn Adams
December 18, 2015
Running monkeys and typing cows, oh my!
Kenric Ward
December 17, 2015
What nation would be dumb enough to build a $43 million gas station?
Kenric Ward
November 2, 2015
Whistleblower who was fired from VA facility now barred as well
LU Staff
September 27, 2015
Thousands of inmates, dead people, and unlicensed doctors on Medicaid gravy train
LU Staff
June 2, 2015
Report: The worst examples of welfare fraud and how to fix them
LU Staff
April 4, 2015
How many planes did the Obamas take to California on the same day? (Video)
Deneen Borelli
March 17, 2015
You’ll never guess how much it cost to fly the Obamas to Hawaii for Christmas (Video)
Deneen Borelli
March 10, 2015
The biggest government fails of 2014
LU Staff
January 1, 2015
U.S. government paid almost $300,000 in prescription drug benefits to dead people
Jeff Dunetz
November 1, 2014
Federal workers abuse gov’t credit cards at taxpayers’ expense: Make personal purchases
Kenric Ward
October 15, 2014
Oops! Feds rorced to reprocess FAFSA, again
LU Staff
September 6, 2014
How much did Sen. Mary Landrieu’s ‘staff retreats’ cost taxpayers?
Deneen Borelli
August 11, 2014
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