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George Zimmerman
Rapper with 9.5M followers posts name, photo of cop who shot Alton Sterling; just one problem
Howard Portnoy
July 10, 2016
Tweet of the Day: Ivy League professor calls Ben Carson what?
Howard Portnoy
October 7, 2015
Toni Morrison ‘wants to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teen’? She can start here
LU Staff
April 21, 2015
Killer of 88-year-old World War II veteran changes plea to guilty, could face 16 years
Howard Portnoy
March 3, 2015
Samuel L. Jackson issues challenge to fellow celebs to ‘sing out’ (literally) against racist police
Howard Portnoy
December 15, 2014
Michael Brown family in street brawl; 1 hospitalized (Video)
LU Staff
October 24, 2014
Police in Ferguson to release name of officer in fatal shooting: What could go wrong? *UPDATE*
Howard Portnoy
August 15, 2014
A year after being cleared of murder charges, George Zimmerman is broke and homeless
Howard Portnoy
July 11, 2014
Memorial Day mayhem: Myrtle Beach and Ft. Lauderdale versus UC Santa Barbara killer
J.E. Dyer
May 28, 2014
Cliven Bundy, Donald Sterling, and the left’s elusive quest for ‘purity’
Howard Portnoy
April 27, 2014
Bill O’Reilly’s been hornswoggled by his new BFF
Colin Flaherty
March 5, 2014
Trayvon Martin’s parents cash in with book deal
LU Staff
December 13, 2013
FL couple whose address Spike Lee wrongly advertised as George Zimmerman’s sue
LU Staff
November 9, 2013
Trayvon Martin Day canceled at Pittsburgh high school after parents protest
Howard Portnoy
October 13, 2013
George Zimmerman detained following altercation involving gun (Update: Report appears false)
LU Staff
September 9, 2013
At Comedy Central roast, ‘comedian’ Jeff Ross makes off-color Zimmerman/Martin joke
Howard Portnoy
September 3, 2013
Latest black teen’s reason for murdering white man? He ‘was having bad day’
Howard Portnoy
August 29, 2013
MLive gets it right. Almost. Victim shoots black attacker in potentially deadly Knockout Game
Colin Flaherty
August 28, 2013
‘Law and Order: SVU’ to feature episode where Paula Deen kills Trayvon Martin
Howard Portnoy
August 23, 2013
Trend: Crime-ridden cities arming themselves with private security forces
Howard Portnoy
August 18, 2013
New ‘We are Trayvon’ mural should go far in adding fuel to fire of unrest
Howard Portnoy
August 11, 2013
Back to school … and ‘Trayvon Martin dialogs’
Howard Portnoy
August 10, 2013
When will Sharpton, Jackson et. al. break their silence on the Florida school bus beating?
Howard Portnoy
August 9, 2013
'We are all Trayvon Martin' mural to be unveiled at FL capitol
Howard Portnoy
August 7, 2013
Black man in hoodie stabs 17-year-old ‘white Hispanic’ girl 11 times
Howard Portnoy
August 3, 2013
Newspaper compares conservative news source to KKK, apologizes, repeats insult
Howard Portnoy
August 1, 2013
Martin juror: Zimmerman ‘got away with murder’
Howard Portnoy
July 25, 2013
(Vigilante) Justice for Trayvon: Teachers threaten to teach that ‘FL kills black kids’
Howard Portnoy
July 24, 2013
Zimmerman Derangement Syndrome and its leftist enablers
Howard Portnoy
July 24, 2013
TMZ: Family helped by George Zimmerman was (gasp) WHITE
Joe Newby
July 23, 2013
Martin supporters claim accident staged to improve George Zimmerman's public image
Joe Newby
July 22, 2013
George Zimmerman rescues family trapped in overturned vehicle
Howard Portnoy
July 22, 2013
Obama's double standard on race challenged by the 2009 shooting death of a white teen by a black adult
T. Kevin Whiteman
July 20, 2013
Eric Holder launches 'snitch line' on Zimmerman
T. Kevin Whiteman
July 19, 2013
Why is DOJ refusing to give George Zimmerman back his gun?
Howard Portnoy
July 19, 2013
MSNBC's Chris Matthews apologizes on behalf of all white people
Joe Newby
July 19, 2013
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