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George Zimmerman
Reps. Bobby Rush and Steve King ‘debate’ Zimmerman verdict on television
Howard Portnoy
July 19, 2013
Cowards no more: Get Al off the stage
Libby Sternberg
July 19, 2013
Trayvon Martin’s parents consider civil lawsuit against Zimmerman
Howard Portnoy
July 18, 2013
Why are liberals willing to tolerate black intolerance toward gays?
Howard Portnoy
July 17, 2013
What was that libs were predicting about non-violent protests following the Zimmerman verdict?
Howard Portnoy
July 17, 2013
MSNBC's Thomas Roberts bashes guest's children for being white, male, presumably straight
Joe Newby
July 15, 2013
My ignorance about George Zimmerman
Libby Sternberg
July 14, 2013
Bloomie's two cents on the Zimmerman verdict: End ‘shoot first’ laws
LU Staff
July 14, 2013
NAACP: Obama needs to pursue ‘civil rights charges’ against Zimmerman
LU Staff
July 14, 2013
Justice for George Zimmerman and the court of public opinion
Howard Portnoy
July 14, 2013
Teen arrested for making threats on Twitter in re Zimmerman verdict
LU Staff
July 13, 2013
NAACP president asked to step down for speaking truth to power on FB
Howard Portnoy
July 13, 2013
Two men, no authority
J.E. Dyer
July 12, 2013
Obama obstruction, jury courage, and George Zimmerman
Mike DeVine
July 12, 2013
TIME columnist: ‘Preparing for riots after Zimmerman verdict is racial fear-mongering’
Howard Portnoy
July 12, 2013
It’s all 'legal': Why DOJ was facilitating protests in the Martin-Zimmerman case
J.E. Dyer
July 11, 2013
Killing that mockingbird
Leslie S. Lebl
July 11, 2013
Report: Obama Justice Dept was behind Trayvon Martin protests
Howard Portnoy
July 11, 2013
Russell Simmons: George Zimmerman ‘Will ultimately be punished’ for Martin’s death
Joe Newby
July 10, 2013
President Obama: When will you denounce the fatwa against George Zimmerman?
Howard Portnoy
July 10, 2013
If Zimmerman walks, riots are expected
LU Staff
July 8, 2013
A tale of two trials: Elite media devoted 5 stories to Gosnell, 203 to Zimmerman
Howard Portnoy
July 7, 2013
ABC’s Dan Abrams: ‘I don’t see how a jury convicts Zimmerman’
LU Staff
July 6, 2013
CNN sets George Zimmerman up for ID theft, airs SSN, address, phone number
Joe Newby
July 1, 2013
MSNBC: George Zimmerman may have purposely gotten fatter to look less threatening
Howard Portnoy
July 1, 2013
In Joan Walsh’s world being called a racial slur makes you a racist (or something)
Howard Portnoy
June 28, 2013
Twitter account of star prosecution witness In Zimmerman case ‘scrubbed’
Howard Portnoy
June 27, 2013
Trayvon's character, Stand Your Ground law, minor factors in Zimmerman case
Mike DeVine
June 10, 2013
A tale of two Trayvons: New pix and texts may shape trial of teen's killer
Howard Portnoy
May 28, 2013
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