Killing that mockingbird

Killing that mockingbird

Zimmerman Trial AttorneyLike many other Americans, as a child I read Harper Lee’s book, To Kill a Mockingbird. Its searing depiction of a society perverting its legal system to preserve white superiority remained with me for decades. I reread the book and watched the movie a year or two ago and the impact was, if anything, even greater. This book, for me as for many Americans, describes what you mean when you say that our legal system has committed grave injustices.

Well, that was then and this is now. Now we have the trial of George Zimmerman, accused of murdering Trayvon Martin. It turns out that the U.S. Department of Justice used taxpayer funds to deploy one of its divisions, the Community Relations Service, to Sanford, Florida for two months last year to help anti-George Zimmerman protesters. For those who, like me, have never heard of this division,

“The Community Relations Service is the Department’s ‘peacemaker’ for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin.

So the CRS moved to Florida, on your tab, to pressure the Florida authorities to bring murder charges against Zimmerman. Their activities included supporting a rally where Al Sharpton appeared; last I heard, he didn’t need support from the federal government to whip up a crowd. One wonders if the DOJ unit also influenced the decision to fire the police chief. He had refused to arrest Zimmerman, citing insufficient grounds.
If you have any doubts about the whether what the federal government is doing is right, just reverse the skin color of the participants in this murder case and you’ll have your answer.


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