No, the headline notwithstanding, you have not stumbled onto news from 2012. The Daily Caller notes:
George Zimmerman was detained Monday after an altercation at the Florida home of David and Machelle Dean, whose last name is also the maiden name of Zimmerman’s estranged wife, Shellie.
Zimmerman was detained after he allegedly threatened his wife and her father with a gun, according to Lake Mary, Fla. police.
Shellie Zimmerman, who is filing for divorce from the infamous neighborhood watchman, recently gave a guarded interview to a local television stattion.
Zimmerman, who has been pulled over for speeding twice since his acquittal in the shooting death of 17-year old Trayvon Martin, recently earned some favorable press for saving a family in an overturned SUV.
Before Zimmerman’s actual trial in a Florida court, where he was ultimately acquitted of murder charges, he was tried and found guilty in the court of public opinion — this thanks largely to liberal bloggers and the skewed coverage by the mainstream media.
The largely misplaced public outrage may have been a contributing factor in a number of black-on-white crimes, including murder, committed since the verdict.
As to Zimmerman’s current plight, Jim Treacher tweets:
Note to #JusticeForTrayvon advocates: This time Zimmerman IS going to jail, because it’s not self-defense. Got it?
UPDATE: The one thing you don’t want when you’re in the business of delivering the news is to become the news. That appears to have happened to LU. Twitchy, in a report filed at 4:42, set us straight on the facts of the case, as they known. Which is to say they aren’t known. It is unclear at this point whether Zimmerman was arrested and whether a gun was involved if he was.
But something else to emerge from this fiasco is confirmation that liberal “journalists” are still reliably biased toward Zimmerman in particular and their preconceptions in general. Twitchy features this illuminating tweet from Josh Marshall of Talking Point Memo:
I mean, I guess I was wrong to think Zimmerman was an angry, insecure and violent man with severe impulse control.