The Obama administration lacks ‘irrefutable, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt evidence’…”
The man who often claimed on the campaign trail to be a constitutional law professor should know that even a petty thief cannot be found guilty unless there is irrefutable, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt evidence. Yet the same man is willing to take the United States to war with a sovereign nation under much less stringent criteria, as reported by Fox News on Sept. 9, 2013.
While appearing yesterday on “Fox News Sunday,” White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough held strong in the administration’s assertion that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was responsible for the alleged chemical weapons attack last month against civilians in a Damascus suburb. But as McDonough admitted, the Obama administration lacks “irrefutable, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt evidence,” which more than a few skeptical Americans are seeking.
The Obama Rule…
Perhaps falling back on Obama’s 2009 assertion that the Cambridge, Massachusetts Police Department “acted stupidly” without his knowing all the facts, McDonough cites proof for a surprise attack on Syria rests on “the common-sense test says [Assad] is responsible for this.”
Obama’s Chief of Staff continued, demanding that Assad should be “held to account.”
The Point of No Return…
Despite the administration’s making no secret of wanting to pummel Assad’s forces with at least a barrage of cruise missiles, no precise timetable has been given.
Once any American munitions, be they $1.5 million-a-pop Tomahawk missiles or 3¢ each .22 caliber bullets, violate Syrian airspace a technical state of war will exist between the United States of America and the Syrian Arab Republic.