A new branch of the Smithsonian announced interest this week in acquiring the hoodie worn by Trayvon Martin the night he died. Lonnie Bunch, director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, is quoted by The Washington Times as explaining:
[The sweatshirt] became the symbolic way to talk about the Trayvon Martin case. It’s rare that you get one artifact that really becomes the symbol. Because it’s such a symbol, it would allow you to talk about race in the age of Obama.
Maybe Bunch can also procure the hoodie worn by a black man who ambushed a ‘white Hispanic’ teen on her way from her work at a Queens, N.Y., McDonald’s and stabbed her 11 times. It, too, speaks volumes about race in the age of Obama. It tells of a segment of American society that has been persuaded by the nation’s liberal leaders and elite press that the deck is stacked against it — that the only justice available to its members is street justice and the only means to having material wealth is to forcibly take it from someone “more privileged.”
Of course, before the police can turn the hoodie over to the museum, they have to catch the wearer, whose actions were caught on surveillance video and is now the focus of a citywide manhunt.
It is still not known if robbery was the motive in the attack, but the parallels with the now-infamous Florida case are inescapable, down to the similarities of the surnames: Martin and Martinez. Like Trayvon Martin, Natasha Martinez is 17 and was steps from her front door at the time of her stabbing. Unlike Martin, Martinez did not grapple with her assailant but, rather, was a passive victim.
Perhaps the most important difference is that Martinez, who was rushed to Jamaica Hospital in Queens, is expected to recover from her injuries — but that’s hardly thanks to her assailant. Eleven knife thrusts certainly bespeaks an intent to kill.
As for the knife-wielding suspect, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said told WNBC-TV that police are looking into the possibility the attack is connected to another mysterious stabbing of a woman in front of her home in Queens in June. In that incident, a 36-year-old white woman on her way to work early in the morning was stabbed seven times. A man wearing a hooded sweatshirt was seen running from the scene in that attack as well.
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