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U.S. shot-putter who considers herself oppressed should walk a mile in fellow Olympian’s shoes
Howard Portnoy
August 3, 2021
Biden admin chooses six humanitarian groups to decide which migrants to allow into U.S.
LU Staff
June 5, 2021
Thousands of migrants Biden said would be allowed to enter U.S. turned back to Mexico
Daily Caller News Foundation
May 31, 2021
Under pressure from activists, Biden admin agrees to bring in 7K refugees a month
Daily Caller News Foundation
May 19, 2021
What’s the real reason illegals are flocking to U.S. now? Here is what they say
Daily Caller News Foundation
March 31, 2021
Biden’s old message to migrants: ‘Come on in.’ His new message: ‘Go away’
Ben Bowles
March 17, 2021
Trump administration proposes charging immigrants a fee to apply for asylum
Daily Caller News Foundation
November 10, 2019
If Trump is to blame for drowning migrant father and child, does he get credit for the many rescues made on his watch?
Howard Portnoy
July 1, 2019
No, Trump is not responsible for the father and daughter who drowned attempting to reach U.S.
Ben Bowles
June 27, 2019
Beto: Migrants arriving at border ‘met with greatest cruelty, inhumanity in U.S. history’
Howard Portnoy
June 4, 2019
Pay to play: Trump proposes charging fee to migrants seeking asylum
LU Staff
May 2, 2019
Assange reportedly smeared his poop all over embassy walls, had the greasiest pants
Daily Caller News Foundation
April 15, 2019
Mexico announces plan to crack down on illegal immigration at its southern border
LU Staff
December 17, 2018
Yes, U.S. has 14,000 golf courses and 6,000 refugees waiting at the border. What of it?
Howard Portnoy
December 15, 2018
Honduran woman who scaled border wall to give birth in U.S. complains she was treated like criminal
Howard Portnoy
December 10, 2018
Aiding and abetting criminals is itself a crime — even when the crime is illegal border crossing
Ben Bowles
December 3, 2018
Abandoned Tijuana migrant camp now looks like National Mall after climate change rally
LU Staff
December 2, 2018
A California-based communist group is encouraging migrants to ‘remove’ Trump
Daily Caller News Foundation
November 30, 2018
Cartoon of the Day: Media rock stars
A. F. Branco
November 29, 2018
How would President Beto O’Rourke handle the border crisis?
Howard Portnoy
November 27, 2018
Incoming head of House Oversight Committee: We are required by law to let caravan in
LU Staff
November 27, 2018
Trump is right that there are ‘Obama judges’ — and the Left damned well knows it
Howard Portnoy
November 22, 2018
Yes, caravan still ‘hundreds of miles away’ but it is dwarfed by daily illegal border crossings
Daily Caller News Foundation
November 13, 2018
Dems slam Trump for denying asylum to illegals, but they once sang a different tune
LU Staff
November 10, 2018
Trump order denies asylum eligibility to migrants who cross southwest border illegally
Daily Caller News Foundation
November 9, 2018
UN: Trump must allow migrants in caravan into U.S. to seek asylum
Ben Bowles
October 31, 2018
Say what? Elizabeth Warren says migrants in caravan need to enter legally — ‘follow those laws’
Daily Caller News Foundation
October 31, 2018
Where will asylum seekers in the caravan stay while their cases are being decided?
Daily Caller News Foundation
October 27, 2018
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