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John Kerry
What is global warming responsible for? What isn’t it responsible for? A guide for liberals
LU Staff
September 22, 2014
John Kerry tells U.N. to fight ISIS ‘to save math for the little kids’
Jeff Dunetz
September 20, 2014
NY Times ‘outs’ anti-Israel U.S. negotiator Martin Indyk as being on payroll of Qatar
Jeff Dunetz
September 8, 2014
Finally, Obama draws a ‘red line’ that will not be crossed on his watch (Video)
Howard Portnoy
September 6, 2014
Picture of the day: John Kerry riding pink girl’s bike while world burns
Michael Dorstewitz
August 5, 2014
Do Democrats regret stripping anti-Hamas language from their 2012 platform?
Jeff Dunetz
August 3, 2014
BREAKING Hamas breaks ceasefire in record time; kidnaps Israeli soldier, kills two others
LU Staff
August 1, 2014
Cartoon of the Day: When it comes to foreign policy, don’t send in the clowns
A. F. Branco
July 30, 2014
Tweet of the Day: Sec of State Lurch and PM Netanyahu exchange a warm handshake
LU Staff
July 23, 2014
Finally, Obama leads from the front: The Hamas-FAA move against Ben Gurion
J.E. Dyer
July 23, 2014
Obama takes flak on MSNBC for going ahead with vacation plans in midst of world crises (Video)
Michael Dorstewitz
July 21, 2014
Kerry: ‘Americans should be proud of Obama’s diplomacy’
Howard Portnoy
July 21, 2014
Kerry caught on hot mic criticizing Israel (Video)
Michael Dorstewitz
July 20, 2014
President Obama, John Kerry, and Agenda 21
Renee Nal
June 20, 2014
Bill Nye blames Hurricane Sandy on climate change during #OceanChat
Renee Nal
June 17, 2014
#OurOceans2014, John Kerry, and Agenda 21
Renee Nal
June 16, 2014
Tweet of the Day: John Kerry warns of ‘threat too great to ignore’
LU Staff
June 16, 2014
Kerry’s and Clinton’s about-face on attitude toward combat troops
T. Kevin Whiteman
June 9, 2014
Hillary: Guns laws ‘too lenient,’ must be ‘reined in’
J.E. Dyer
May 7, 2014
Team Kerry angered over promise to cooperate with Benghazi investigation
T. Kevin Whiteman
May 5, 2014
The Obama administration’s stealth anti-Israel rhetoric
Jeff Dunetz
May 5, 2014
Toddlers playing poker: ObamaKerry and the doomed peace talks
J.E. Dyer
May 3, 2014
The question remains: Where are the Benghazi survivors?
Renee Nal
May 3, 2014
Cartoon of the Day: A star (make that ‘upstart’) is born
A. F. Branco
May 1, 2014
Secretary John Kerry: A man for no seasons
D.E. Landreaux
April 29, 2014
Ukraine deal coming apart at the seams already?
Jeff Dunetz
April 18, 2014
Team Obama’s obsession: A ‘peace process’ that’s past its shelf life
J.E. Dyer
March 24, 2014
Why is the U.S. taxpayer funding a ‘Christ at the Checkpoint’ sponsor?
J.E. Dyer
March 13, 2014
U.S. sends dangerously mixed signals on Israel as a Jewish state
J.E. Dyer
March 10, 2014
Glenn Beck’s revealing video montage: Hillary Clinton, Obama, Kerry on Russia
Renee Nal
March 3, 2014
John Kerry on Ukraine: ‘It’s the time for diplomacy’
Renee Nal
March 3, 2014
John Kerry’s embarrassing Indonesia speech
Renee Nal
February 18, 2014
Pols: Could you please stop pretending to follow sports?
Howard Portnoy
January 17, 2014
Israeli security: ‘War war’ returns to the Middle East
J.E. Dyer
December 21, 2013
Obama administration admits to Israel that they lied about Iran deal
Jeff Dunetz
December 13, 2013
Ukrainians not going quietly into that good night
J.E. Dyer
December 3, 2013
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