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Dem measure would eliminate words ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ from federal law
July 16, 2015
Canada court rules right to gay sex trumps religious liberty
LU Staff
July 4, 2015
Supreme Court disparate-impact ruling creates confusion and uncertainty
Hans Bader
July 1, 2015
Texas AG: State officials can refuse marriage licenses to gay couples on religious grounds
LU Staff
June 29, 2015
ACLU: We can no longer in good conscience protect religious freedom
Howard Portnoy
June 28, 2015
Kansas Republicans look to punish black Democrat for calling them racists
Joe Newby
June 21, 2015
Obama administration pressures universities to adopt unconstitutional speech codes
Hans Bader
June 19, 2015
New York Times wonders whether competency tests are always racist
LU Staff
June 19, 2015
Michelle Obama to young Muslim women in UK: I feel your pain
Howard Portnoy
June 16, 2015
Clergy members unite: We don’t have to obey Supreme Court on gay marriage
LU Staff
June 11, 2015
Defense Secretary: Discriminating against LGBT troops poses national security risk
LU Staff
June 10, 2015
NY judge rules competency test for teachers racist because minorities score lower
LU Staff
June 7, 2015
Obama makes false claims yet again about Supreme Court’s Ledbetter v. Goodyear decision
Hans Bader
May 12, 2015
Another ‘white appreciation’ event, but will this one survive liberal intimidation?
Howard Portnoy
May 9, 2015
Judges tear IRS lawyers new one for arguing agency free to discriminate against U.S. citizens
Jeff Dunetz
May 8, 2015
D.C. ‘anti-discrimination’ laws take effect despite GOP efforts to block
LU Staff
May 3, 2015
GoFundMe pulls fundraising account for arrested Baltimore cops
Jeff Dunetz
May 2, 2015
Deceptive anti-discrimination laws undermine justice and harm small businesses
Hans Bader
May 1, 2015
White people, men banned from diversity rally at British university
Howard Portnoy
April 26, 2015
The AAUW’s myths about equal pay and discrimination
Hans Bader
April 14, 2015
New study undermines claim of sexism in science, tech hiring
LU Staff
April 14, 2015
States flout post-9/11 law, hand out IDs to illegals that look like driver’s licenses (Video)
Howard Portnoy
April 8, 2015
Tweet of the Day: Libs claim Indiana pizzeria orchestrated public outcry to profit from it
Howard Portnoy
April 3, 2015
Gov. who said conservatives have no place in NY now insists ‘everyone is welcome’
Rusty Weiss
April 2, 2015
Myths about Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Hans Bader
April 2, 2015
Vengeful lawsuit against WA state florist who refused gay couple could leave her penniless (Video)
Howard Portnoy
March 31, 2015
The 9 things you need to know about Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration law
LU Staff
March 31, 2015
Picture of the Day: Obama was for RFRA before he was against it (Video)
Howard Portnoy
March 30, 2015
Campus Christian group deactivated at CA college, but wait till you hear why (Video)
Howard Portnoy
March 29, 2015
Edits to Wikipedia pages on cases involving police brutality traced to NYPD headquarters
Howard Portnoy
March 13, 2015
NAACP president calls developments in Ferguson a ‘validation’ (Video)
Howard Portnoy
March 12, 2015
The Washington Redskins have an incredible new ally in the fight over their trademark
LU Staff
March 8, 2015
Muslim Costco employee who refused to handle pork sues when store switches him to a different job
Howard Portnoy
March 5, 2015
Tweet of the Day: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio will ‘respect diversity’ by closing schools for Muslim holidays
Howard Portnoy
March 4, 2015
To level playing field, SATs spot blacks 230-point ‘bonus,’ penalize Asians 50 points
LU Staff
March 1, 2015
New Defense Secretary Ash Carter supports lifting military ban on transgender service members
LU Staff
February 23, 2015
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