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GOP nixed Dems’ farm subsidy cuts, slashed military pensions instead?
Mike DeVine
January 17, 2014
IRS to get a ‘license to kill’ any groups who oppose Obama’s agenda
Joseph L. Parker
January 16, 2014
Progressive film critics skip over audience demographics for ‘Lone Survivor’
Renee Nal
January 16, 2014
Obama has a pen, phone, scepter and failed presidency
Mike DeVine
January 15, 2014
MSNBC’s Touré Neblett: Jobs ‘an ineffective anti-poverty program’
Joe Newby
January 15, 2014
Poverty moves into the ‘burbs
J.E. Dyer
January 14, 2014
Compassionate Bushies slander tea partiers as anti-government
Mike DeVine
January 14, 2014
Inspector General report reveals major abuses by Chicago public school officials
Renee Nal
January 14, 2014
Obama Administration pressures schools to adopt racial quotas in discipline
Hans Bader
January 14, 2014
Jeremiah Wright invited to be keynote speaker at MLK Day event in Chicago
Howard Portnoy
January 14, 2014
Shocking? Obama donor investigating IRS finds no criminal wrongdoing
Jeff Dunetz
January 14, 2014
Who is the president’s Bridget Kelly and why hasn’t she been fired?
Libby Sternberg
January 13, 2014
Obama probes Christie’s ‘Sandy’ funds after praising relief efforts
Mike DeVine
January 13, 2014
Harry Reid will hear jobless amendments in wake of ‘illegal’ IRS credits
Kenric Ward
January 13, 2014
What liberals (including Ezra Klein) don’t get about health care
Howard Portnoy
January 13, 2014
De Blasio knifes New Yorkers in the back, forks them over
T. Kevin Whiteman
January 13, 2014
McCain censured in Arizona for amnesty, conservative betrayals
Mike DeVine
January 12, 2014
Flashback: Chris Christie on global warming — ‘Time to defer to the experts’
Renee Nal
January 12, 2014
NY teen arrested in connection with upstate ‘knockout’ attack on elderly woman
LU Staff
January 12, 2014
Study: Teens think being a parent is ‘easy’ after watching reality shows about teen moms
Renee Nal
January 12, 2014
Remembering Ariel Sharon, 1928-2014
Jeff Dunetz
January 12, 2014
Ohio man manages to sign up for Obamacare after only 3,118 failed attempts
Howard Portnoy
January 12, 2014
Class warfare, economic violence, and the Labor Force Participation Rate
Renee Nal
January 11, 2014
Reagan Farewell Address @ 25: Conservatism works
Mike DeVine
January 11, 2014
Christie and Obama, together again: The MSM’s two faces
Howard Portnoy
January 11, 2014
NHS may only accept new drugs if ‘judged to be a benefit to wider society’
Renee Nal
January 10, 2014
Forget Christie: It’s time to end Barack Obama’s culture of bullying and retribution
Jeff Dunetz
January 10, 2014
Progress in war on black poverty due to civil rights, not welfare
Mike DeVine
January 10, 2014
Enough of scandals being named after Watergate
T. Kevin Whiteman
January 10, 2014
The ‘culture’ of Chris Christie’s office
Libby Sternberg
January 10, 2014
Planned Parenthood mobile app for pre-teens says, ‘Having sex feels good’
Joseph L. Parker
January 9, 2014
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