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President Obama
Conservative actor wonders why Hollywood libs won’t invite illegals, refugees into their homes
Hombre Sinnombre
February 17, 2017
Hollywood’s latest weapon: ‘Not My President’ candy bars, children’s books
Myra Kahn Adams
February 16, 2017
WH still hasn’t determined whether ISIS slaughter of religious minorities is genocide
Ben Bowles
March 1, 2016
New York Times tears Hillary Clinton a new one over Libya
Jeff Dunetz
February 29, 2016
These 5 Republicans shredded Obama’s plan to bring Gitmo detainees here to U.S. soil
LU Staff
February 24, 2016
Police make arrests in brutal assault on decorated Marine in McDonald’s
LU Staff
February 23, 2016
Pentagon tasked with fighting phantom menace
Bethany Blankley
February 8, 2016
The ‘known unknowns’ of today’s terror war
Myra Kahn Adams
December 14, 2015
America’s image abroad: Popular Egyptian TV host says Obama should be tried and executed
Joe Newby
December 8, 2015
Progressives jump to false conclusions about San Bernardino killings
Hans Bader
December 4, 2015
Do the math: The WaPo’s ‘355 mass shootings’ claim is dead wrong
LU Staff
December 4, 2015
4 liberal ideals that are ruining football this Thanksgiving
Rusty Weiss
November 26, 2015
5 reasons why the Clinton Foundation will be a 2016 campaign issue
Myra Kahn Adams
November 23, 2015
If Obama wants to glimpse terrorists’ most potent recruiting tool, he should look in the mirror
Jeff Dunetz
November 18, 2015
Obama peddles gun control fable
Hans Bader
October 2, 2015
What does Obama know about the Clinton scandals, and when did he know it?
Myra Kahn Adams
October 2, 2015
Democrats tell Kanye West to shut the %#@$ up!
Jeff Dunetz
September 29, 2015
What will it take to convince American liberals that the Islamic State is a major threat?
Hombre Sinnombre
August 18, 2015
In Texas, Hillary plays race card for 2016
Kenric Ward
August 12, 2015
Dissension in the ranks: Chuck Schumer quietly opposes Obama’s Iran nuclear deal
Rusty Weiss
August 7, 2015
Dem Brooklyn borough president raises Cuban flag, implies U.S. just as oppressive as Cuba
Rusty Weiss
August 3, 2015
House Oversight Committee to Obama: Get rid of IRS chief or we will
Jeff Dunetz
July 28, 2015
Kenyan president swats down Obama’s gay rights plea
T Grimsley
July 27, 2015
Obama’s shameful silence on ‘sanctuary cities’
July 17, 2015
Iran negotiations miss another deadline
July 1, 2015
Picture of the Day: AP goes with gun to Ted Cruz’s head for photo option
Rusty Weiss
June 22, 2015
Kansas Republicans look to punish black Democrat for calling them racists
Joe Newby
June 21, 2015
After Obama’s broken promises, can Hillary corral the black vote?
Deneen Borelli
June 11, 2015
Federal court issues ruling compelling IRS to provide answers on Lerner emails
LU Staff
June 8, 2015
Travel ban for ‘Taliban Five’ temporarily extended
June 3, 2015
President Obama wants to renew Patriot Act, but what would (did) Senator Obama say?
Deneen Borelli
May 27, 2015
5 reasons why Jeb Bush should drop out now, before officially entering 2016 race
Myra Kahn Adams
May 15, 2015
Allen West mocks Andrew Cuomo’s costly failed jobs-creation program, Start-Up NY
Rusty Weiss
April 17, 2015
White House policy: Iranian oil good, Keystone XL bad
LU Staff
April 15, 2015
Enviros aren’t sold on Hillary Clinton’s commitment to fighting global warming
LU Staff
April 13, 2015
Iran giving Hamas tens of millions of dollars to rebuild terror tunnels
Jeff Dunetz
April 8, 2015
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