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George W. Bush
Cartoon of the Day: Oh, the horror!
A. F. Branco
September 15, 2021
George W. Bush: GOP ‘isolationist, protectionist, and to a certain extent nativist’
Daily Caller News Foundation
April 21, 2021
Between the lines: CNN claims George W. Bush’s Christmas card is a shot at Donald Trump
Rusty Weiss
December 24, 2020
Cartoon of the Day: Bush league
A. F. Branco
July 11, 2020
Approval ratings amid crises: Comparing Trump, Obama, Bush
Myra Kahn Adams
April 2, 2020
Chuck Schumer’s latest ‘stupid senator trick’: Delay Gorsuch vote till after FBI Russia probe
Jeff Dunetz
March 22, 2017
After 8 years of silence, George W. Bush finally speaks up — and removes all doubt
Howard Portnoy
February 27, 2017
Yes, Virginia, there’s an alt-Left … and it’s trying to make America ungovernable
LU Staff
February 12, 2017
These Democrats supported Trump’s Supreme Court nominee back in 2006
LU Staff
February 1, 2017
Obama waited all of ten days before speaking out about his successor
Howard Portnoy
January 31, 2017
Which former news anchor scolded Kellyanne Conway over her ‘alternate facts’ flub?
Howard Portnoy
January 24, 2017
Flashback: At Obama’s inauguration in 2009, liberals booed, taunted George W. Bush
Rusty Weiss
January 23, 2017
Oops! Democrats actually approved Donald Trump’s border wall back in 2006
LU Staff
January 6, 2017
Marching bands at D.C. public schools, Howard U. will not play at Trump’s inauguration
Howard Portnoy
December 15, 2016
Trump is Time’s ‘person of the year’ … for the last 8+ years evidently
Howard Portnoy
December 7, 2016
Trump may release Iran nuke deal docs Obama hid because they embarrassed him
Jeff Dunetz
December 6, 2016
Flashback: Clinton administration reacted to Bush win over Gore by causing $14K in damages to WH
LU Staff
October 25, 2016
Under President Hillary, Debt Clock time bomb would explode
Myra Kahn Adams
August 27, 2016
Military K9 handler’s Facebook account suspended after he tells of encounter with Hillary
Rusty Weiss
August 4, 2016
Doing the math: How Trump gets to 270 electoral votes
Myra Kahn Adams
July 19, 2016
It looks as though Congress is on the verge of firing dozens of generals
LU Staff
June 14, 2016
Cartoon of the Day: Foul ball
A. F. Branco
May 9, 2016
Federal gov’t insulated by army of lawyers: Guess who pays for it, and how much
LU Staff
April 28, 2016
Will Ferrell to star in ‘comedy’ about Ronald Reagan that features this tasteless touch
Howard Portnoy
April 28, 2016
Can any GOP candidate win 270 electoral votes in November?
Myra Kahn Adams
March 8, 2016
Video: Prager U asks whether Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq
LU Staff
March 7, 2016
Obama has opened the border to immigrants with STDs
Howard Portnoy
February 24, 2016
This one line from NYT editorial reveals precisely why GOP should fight Obama’s SCOTUS pick
Rusty Weiss
February 19, 2016
Obama will skip Scalia’s funeral, but he probably has good reasons
Ben Bowles
February 18, 2016
Jeb Bush has a new nickname for Donald Trump
LU Staff
February 16, 2016
Chuck Schumer: ‘We Dems never engaged in obstructionism over SCOTUS picks’
Howard Portnoy
February 15, 2016
The last three presidents lost New Hampshire primary but won South Carolina
Myra Kahn Adams
February 9, 2016
Why Showtime’s ‘The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth’ could impact the election
Myra Kahn Adams
January 19, 2016
Why America needs to get ready for a ‘100-year war’ with radical Islam
LU Staff
January 17, 2016
‘Sad irony’ in Obama’s criticism of Bush’s Iraq War surfaces
LU Staff
December 22, 2015
The ‘known unknowns’ of today’s terror war
Myra Kahn Adams
December 14, 2015
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