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Affirmative consent activists seek to expand government meddling in your private life
Hans Bader
December 27, 2014
Photo of the Day: This picture got 195K ‘likes’ on Facebook, but why?
Howard Portnoy
November 7, 2014
Video: Prager U tells you the truth about feminism
David Weinberger
September 22, 2014
Tweet of the Day: Who is Amanda Marcotte and why are people tweeting these terrible things at her?
Howard Portnoy
September 9, 2014
Female British nutcase vows to become first woman to behead western captive
Howard Portnoy
August 22, 2014
Lady angler gives fishing a strange new hotness
T. Kevin Whiteman
July 18, 2014
Tweet of the Day: Feminist’s obscene reaction to Hobby Lobby decision
LU Staff
June 30, 2014
‘Trigger warnings’: What are they and why do colleges want them?
Howard Portnoy
May 20, 2014
First Dude: Is America ready for another Clinton ‘two-fer’ in White House?
Myra Kahn Adams
April 23, 2014
Picture of the Day: ‘I need feminism because…’
LU Staff
April 10, 2014
Feminism’s guerrilla civil war
J.E. Dyer
January 30, 2014
Possibly the dumbest feminist column ever written
Howard Portnoy
January 26, 2014
Ms. Marvel of Marvel Comics to return … as Muslim teen
Howard Portnoy
November 6, 2013
Ex-White House volunteer Kathleen Willey: ‘Hillary is the war on women’
Kenric Ward
October 19, 2013
Semi-nude busty male collegian sues pizzeria for sexual discrimination
Howard Portnoy
September 23, 2013
How much porn should high school students read? Common Core Curriculum answers
Howard Portnoy
September 15, 2013
‘Wikistorming’: College credits for students who inject ‘feminist thinking’ into Wikipedia articles
LU Staff
September 8, 2013
Whoops! Billboard celebrating ‘remarkable women’ has photos of men only
Howard Portnoy
April 6, 2013
The left's assault on gender distinction
David Weinberger
April 3, 2013
WH takes flak for ‘male-centric’ inner circle, publishes revised photo
Howard Portnoy
January 9, 2013
Celeb chefs join 13-year-old's crusade for gender-neutral EZ Bake Oven
Howard Portnoy
December 13, 2012
Latest feminist complaint: You never see the Virgin Mary breastfeeding Jesus
Howard Portnoy
December 12, 2012
Feminist group: Obama’s cabinet needs to be 50% female
Howard Portnoy
December 6, 2012
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