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Foreign Affairs
Obama's open invitation to a terrorist attack – and they'll be in the right
T. Kevin Whiteman
July 2, 2013
French cheese ban: scientifically-ignorant violation of trade treaties?
Hans Bader
July 2, 2013
Ah, the elusive Snowden
Leslie S. Lebl
June 24, 2013
U.S. in Afghanistan: Of course we negotiate with terrorists
J.E. Dyer
June 20, 2013
Rohani: A 'moderate' game-changer?
J.E. Dyer
June 16, 2013
MSM bites as Iran looks to replace Ahmadinejad with latest 'reform' puppet
Mike DeVine
June 16, 2013
Democrat Fools on al Qaeda's Syrian Hill
Mike DeVine
June 14, 2013
U.S. govt has given Afghan National army more than $1B in ammo
LU Staff
June 13, 2013
Kerry: Gay rights are 'the very heart' of U.S. diplomatic efforts world-wide
T. Kevin Whiteman
June 11, 2013
Who is Judge Lambeth?
Leslie S. Lebl
June 9, 2013
Holder, Rice, Ingram and Obama's contempt for America
Mike DeVine
June 5, 2013
What difference at this point does Memorial Day make to Hillary, Barack?
Mike DeVine
May 27, 2013
What radical heckler at Obama ‘war-on-terror’ speech reveals about his message
Howard Portnoy
May 24, 2013
Report: Palestinian organizations use U.S. funding to demonize Israel
Howard Portnoy
May 22, 2013
Obama aide: Benghazi was ‘tragedy,’ 'irrelevant’ where president was during raid
Howard Portnoy
May 19, 2013
Crazy! Iran will be chairing the UN conference on disarmament
Jeff Dunetz
May 14, 2013
Did fear of tough questions from the press about Benghazi makes Obama cry?
Howard Portnoy
May 13, 2013
Obama as Nixon? Remember Bill Clinton's IRS Filegate
Mike DeVine
May 13, 2013
Benghazi mom to Clinton: 'Happy Mother's Day, Hillary'
T. Kevin Whiteman
May 12, 2013
Despite MSM’s bid for redemption, some lefty ‘journalists’ plan to go down with ship
Howard Portnoy
May 11, 2013
Families of SEAL Team 6 killed in Afghanistan in 2011 blame Obama, demand probe
Howard Portnoy
May 10, 2013
State Dept. finally issues travel warning to U.S. citizens planning Benghazi vacation
T. Kevin Whiteman
May 10, 2013
About those cyber attacks
Leslie S. Lebl
May 8, 2013
Hillary blamed Benghazi on video days before Rice
Mike DeVine
May 8, 2013
Latest reports: Israel has now attacked a facility in Syria
J.E. Dyer
May 5, 2013
Obama: Americans are 'root cause of violence' in Mexico
T. Kevin Whiteman
May 4, 2013
Interdicting arms to Hezbollah? New report of Israeli air strikes in Syria
J.E. Dyer
May 4, 2013
U.S. blocks imports of a typical French cheese, triggering protests
Hans Bader
May 1, 2013
Syria: Israel, at least, is militarily ready
J.E. Dyer
April 28, 2013
Just a reminder: Military readiness affects the viability of Syria operations too
J.E. Dyer
April 28, 2013
Miss water-boarding-obtained intel and Bush yet?
Mike DeVine
April 28, 2013
MSNBC’s Harris-Perry: Marathon bombing got ‘action,’ while Newtown brought 'inaction'
Howard Portnoy
April 27, 2013
UN orders countries to prosecute speakers for alleged racism
Hans Bader
April 25, 2013
More on Supreme Court ruling blocking Nigerian lawsuit; employers also faced risk of foreign lawsuits
Hans Bader
April 24, 2013
Mexicans, Muslims? We can't assimilate native born liberals
Mike DeVine
April 24, 2013
What Christian video provoked latest terrorist attack on Obama's watch?
Mike DeVine
April 21, 2013
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