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Tweet of the Day: Feminist’s obscene reaction to Hobby Lobby decision
LU Staff
June 30, 2014
Global warmist wants white people killed by extreme weather but alive so he can gloat
Howard Portnoy
April 12, 2014
(Special) Ed Schultz to radio show caller: You’re an a**hole
Howard Portnoy
April 8, 2014
Alan Grayson’s wife: ‘He’s beat me for years’
Jeff Dunetz
April 7, 2014
The birthers are back, but this time they’re Democrats
LU Staff
March 1, 2014
Another doofus captured grinning inappropriately at scene of national tragedy
Howard Portnoy
January 25, 2014
Dem party chair Wasserman Schultz calls for civility in new book (Update)
Howard Portnoy
October 15, 2013
Dem party chair who wished death on children of Cruz aide declares himself martyr
LU Staff
September 23, 2013
Dem party official wishes painful death on children of Ted Cruz aide (Update: Resigns)
LU Staff
September 20, 2013
HuffPo contributor to Dana Loesch: You’d love to be raped by a ‘brother’
Howard Portnoy
August 28, 2013
SC Dem: Let's send ‘Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from'
Howard Portnoy
May 4, 2013
Liberal blogger charged with faking her own hate crime
Howard Portnoy
May 2, 2013
Liberal media’s pathetic sour grapes in re the defeat of the assault weapon ban
Howard Portnoy
March 20, 2013
To force Obama’s hand on Keystone, NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman urges lawlessness
Howard Portnoy
March 12, 2013
The unhinged double standard that has made Christopher Dorner a folk hero
Howard Portnoy
February 14, 2013
Liberal columnist Kirsten Powers: Liberals unsettled by opposing views
Joe Newby
January 25, 2013
Union protesters trash iconic MI hot dog cart, call black owner N-word
Howard Portnoy
December 12, 2012
Liberal hate talker Mike Malloy: ‘Angel of the Lord’ should behead Tea Party members
Joe Newby
November 28, 2012
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