They say timing is everything. It certainly proved inconvenient for Felecia Rotellini, the Democratic Party chair in Arizona, who recently made the outrageous claim that Donald Trump had aligned himself with ISIS. She made that assertion at a conference for the Citizens Clean Elections Commission. “Another reason that people are going to vote?” Rotellini declared. “Because Donald Trump is manipulating that White House and has aligned himself with ISIS and Saudi Arabia.”
It’s one thing to accuse Trump of colluding with Russia (which was proven false after a lengthy independent investigation), but ISIS?
The assertion was so preposterous that it drew widespread denunciation. And then fate stepped in and made it even more preposterous. An hour after Rotellini shared her theory, the White House announced that they had exterminated ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. (RELATED: Susan Rice Whines: Trump Didn’t Have ‘Common Courtesy’ to Inform Obama of Al-Baghdadi Raid)
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Arizona Democrat Party Chairman Felecia Rotellini: Trump “has aligned himself with ISIS”
Rotellini made the remarks on Saturday, approximately 1-hour before a Trump-authorized raid in northern Syria resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi pic.twitter.com/lyYraFg6Eq
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) October 29, 2019
Advocates for Civility
Almost as absurd as the initial statement was Rotellini’s follow-up arguing that voting Democratic is an affirmation of the party of civility.
“The most important thing we can do today is vote for civility, vote for a president who is not going to align himself with the most dangerous foreign nations that are the reason we had 9/11,” she said.
Vote for civility – and by the way, my political opponent is literally an ISIS terrorist who sides with those who brought down the World Trade Center.
“It is extremely disconcerting to hear the top Democrat in Arizona slander and malign an innocent person for being aligned with the world’s most evil terrorists, let alone the President of the United States,” Republican Party Chairwoman WardWard told the Daily Wire.
She blasted Rotellini for being on another planet with her rhetoric.
“While fear-mongering from the Left is expected up to a point, we have to draw the line somewhere if they’re going to refuse to police themselves,” Ward said. “Baseless statements like those made by the chair of the Arizona Democrat party are wildly irresponsible and not rooted in reality.”
Neither is the Democratic Party for that matter. (RELATED: In the midst of lying through her teeth, Pelosi wonders aloud why the GOP is afraid of the truth)
Trump Has Obliterated ISIS
Not only did Baghdadi meet his end at the hands of the American military and the commander-in-chief at about the same time Rotellini was making this assinine comment, but President Trump announced his next-in-command was terminated as well.
The reality here is that if there’s anyone out there who has aligned themselves with ISIS, it’d be the Trump-hating liberals in the media. The ones who, in response to Baghdadi’s death, didn’t praise Trump but rather, criticized him for being too mean. (RELATED: Media’s Response to ISIS Leader’s Death: Trump Was Too Mean)
Nick Paton Walsh, a Senior International Correspondent for CNN, for example, echoed Rotellini by actually comparing the president to ISIS in the manner in he delivered his remarks. Trump’s announcement “sort of echoed frankly the crudeness you would often expect to hear from ISIS,” Walsh whined.
Cross posted at the Mental Recession