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Comparing Obama’s handling of Ebola to Trump’s handling of COVID-19 is a fool’s errand
Howard Portnoy
March 14, 2020
When it comes to public health crises, the Left’s memory is short
LU Staff
February 28, 2020
Is now, when Congo faces an Ebola epidemic, the best time to allow Congolese refugees into U.S.?
Ben Bowles
June 8, 2019
Obama has opened the border to immigrants with STDs
Howard Portnoy
February 24, 2016
Shooting of Philly cop finally being investigated as terrorist attack
Howard Portnoy
January 14, 2016
Shadows of things to come: Honduras arrests 5 Syrians headed to U.S. with stolen passports
Howard Portnoy
November 20, 2015
MSNBC’s Alex Wagner, Ed Schultz, And Chris Hays face likely extinction under new network chief
Jeff Dunetz
May 5, 2015
3rd-grade teacher goes ballistic, wishes Obama would get Ebola, calls Muslims ‘goat f**kers’ (Video)
Howard Portnoy
December 11, 2014
Dallas spent $27K to care for nurse’s dog exposed to Ebola virus (Video)
Devonia Smith
December 8, 2014
The inevitable ‘Obama was right about Ebola’ article finally surfaces
Howard Portnoy
November 14, 2014
Lib columnist: Obama’s problem is he’s surrounded by suck-ups (Video)
Rusty Weiss
November 3, 2014
Experts fear as many as 130 U.S. cases of Ebola by year’s end
Howard Portnoy
November 1, 2014
Now they tell us: Difference between ‘airborne’ and ‘droplet’ spread of disease
Libby Sternberg
November 1, 2014
Study finds West African burial rituals to be ‘super-spreaders’ of Ebola, risk full-blown pandemic
Howard Portnoy
November 1, 2014
Ebola nurse’s 15 minutes of fame temporarily restrained by Maine
Michael Dorstewitz
October 31, 2014
Old CDC: You can’t get Ebola though the air. New CDC: Oops, you can
Howard Portnoy
October 31, 2014
Child returning from W. Africa banned from school for 21 days due to Ebola fear, family sues
Howard Portnoy
October 30, 2014
Nurse released from Ebola isolation early after threatening lawsuit vows to ignore home quarantine (Video)
LU Staff
October 29, 2014
As WH sends mixed signals on quarantines, research suggests Ebola virus can live on surfaces 50 days
Howard Portnoy
October 28, 2014
What kind of parents take their 5-year-old to a country with an Ebola outbreak? *UPDATE*
Howard Portnoy
October 27, 2014
BREAKING: Doctor returning from W. Africa tests positive for Ebola at NYC hospital (Video)
LU Staff
October 23, 2014
Man nabbed with ‘Ebola’ heroin at New Jersey hotel; Liberian arriving at Newark reportedly cleared
LU Staff
October 22, 2014
BREAKING: Passenger from Liberia lands at Newark with fever, being evaluated for Ebola
LU Staff
October 21, 2014
BREAKING: DHS announces ‘travel restrictions’ to limit Ebola risk … sort of
LU Staff
October 21, 2014
Cartoon of the Day: Ebola czar strategy
A. F. Branco
October 21, 2014
Report: Obama plans to bring Ebola-infected Africans to the U.S. for treatment
Howard Portnoy
October 20, 2014
Cartoon of the Day: Obama’s new CYA czar
A. F. Branco
October 20, 2014
Obama ‘visibly angry’ over Ebola mess; Bobby Jindal says it’s all part of the program
Michael Dorstewitz
October 19, 2014
Tweet of the Day: CDC guidelines for reducing Ebola risks among health professionals riddled with errors
Howard Portnoy
October 19, 2014
Ebola scare at Pentagon after recent traveler to Africa vomits in parking lot
LU Staff
October 19, 2014
As two more dominoes fall in the Ebola travel ban debate, Obama stands pat in weekly address
Howard Portnoy
October 18, 2014
Video: WH struggles to explain what new Ebola czar knows about Ebola
Howard Portnoy
October 17, 2014
Passenger dies in ‘fit of vomiting’ aboard plane from Nigeria to JFK in New York
Howard Portnoy
October 17, 2014
Ebola fears lead to school shut-downs in Ohio, Texas
LU Staff
October 17, 2014
Picture of the Day: Man without protective gear accompanying Ebola patient raises concerns, fears (Video)
Howard Portnoy
October 16, 2014
Cartoon of the Day: Ebola-care
A. F. Branco
October 16, 2014
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