Oklahoma charging rioters with terrorism: This isn’t Seattle, we don’t tolerate lawlessness

Oklahoma charging rioters with terrorism: This isn’t Seattle, we don’t tolerate lawlessness
Oklahoma protester

Authorities announced terrorism, rioting, and assault charges for violent protesters in Oklahoma City late last week, taking a shot at lawless Seattle in the process.

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater announced the charges, suggesting such harsh penalties would be a deterrent against future crimes.

“This is not Seattle,” declared Prater. “We’re not putting up with this lawlessness here.”

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Two individuals charged with terrorism, according to the Oklahoman, set fire to a sheriff’s van as well as another business, with one “saying every single one of those that kill Black people need to die and ‘that’s what happens when you got numbers outside.’”

A third allegedly used brass knuckles to break windows at the business.

According to police reports, “several people” inciting rioters “were carrying flags” that were identified as belonging to groups such as “Antifa” and “the original Oklahoma flag … currently adopted by Oklahoma Socialists.”

Years in Prison

Five other individuals were charged with interfering in an effort to interview a witness to a homicide.

“Also charged Friday were five defendants identified as involved in the painting of murals in downtown Oklahoma City this week,” the report reads.

“They are accused in an incitement to riot charge of interfering with a police sergeant who was trying to take a homicide witness for an interview at police headquarters Tuesday.”

According to “The Oklahoman,” those charged with these serious crimes “could be sentenced to years in prison.”


Act Like Terrorists

Prater’s jab at Seattle involves the Democratic-controlled city allowing protesters to commandeer a six-block section of the city leading to anarchy and preventing the police from responding to violent crimes.

Shootings in or near the area have increased in the past week, leading to calls for authorities to reestablish law and order.

The ACLU has denounced the terrorism charges against rioters in Oklahaoma as too extreme.

Prater’s response to them?

“When you act like a terrorist, you will be treated like a terrorist.”

Cross posted at the Mental Recession

Rusty Weiss

Rusty Weiss

Rusty Weiss is editor of the Mental Recession, one of the top conservative blogs of 2012. His writings have appeared at the Daily Caller, American Thinker, FoxNews.com, Big Government, the Times Union, and the Troy Record.


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