CNN tries desperately to get GOP women to call Trump racist: watch how they turn the tables

CNN tries desperately to get GOP women to call Trump racist: watch how they turn the tables
CNN tries to goad Republican women into agreeing Trump 'racist.' (Image: CNN screen grab)

CNN apparently isn’t content merely to call Donald Trump a “racist,” “xenophobe,” and every other name that can be uttered on live TV without being bleeped. The network also seems determined to demonstrate that all Republicans share their view.

Accordingly, CNN correspondent Randi Kaye hosted a panel of Republican women and tried desperately to get them to call President Trump racist. But the fish weren’t biting. Not only was Kaye unsuccessful in convincing any of the women to turn on Trump. Instead, her argument led to their pointing out why the “Squad” itself is racist.

The segment was presented following the controversy regarding the President’s comments telling the Squad they need to start loving America or they’re free to leave.

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What He Said Wasn’t Racist

The segment begins with all eight women raising their hand in response to the question “How many of you don’t think what the President said was racist?”

It goes downhill from there for CNN.

Sharon Bolan, one of the Republican women, explained, “I’m a brown-skinned woman. I am a legal immigrant. I agree with him.”

You mean it’s actually possible to follow proper procedures to legally immigrate to the United States? Democrats will likely be shocked to learn that.

Another GOP voter, Gina O’Briant, broke it down succinctly, noting that it’s the “Squad” that is actually inciting hatred towards themselves by acting the way they do.

“I’m glad that the president said what he said because all they are doing is inciting hatred and division,” O’Briant explained. “He didn’t say anything about color.”

CNN Breaks Out a Dictionary

Not content with multiple questions and different phrasing of the same question trying to convince the guests to call Trump racist, Kaye broke out Merriam Webster to prove it to them.

“Let me just share with you the definition of ‘racism’ from Merriam Webster dictionary,” she began as if the group had no idea what the word means. “‘A belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.’”

“Based on that definition,” Kaye pressed, “do you not think that what the president has been saying – ”

The immediate response: “No.”

The CNN reporter pivoted to making the point that all four members of the Squad are not white.

One woman in the group responded, “It’s idiotic, what they’re saying, so it doesn’t matter if they’re black or white.”

We ran that statement through our fact-checking database and determined it was, in fact, true. What they’re saying is idiotic.

“Why haven’t they befriended one of their white female congresswoman colleagues and let her join the group?” one of the Republican women asks. “They don’t like white people. C’mon, they’re racist.”

Now Ask Them if CNN Is Racist

Perhaps Kaye’s next segment can focus on whether her own network is racist.

Earlier this week, CNN pundit Ana Navarro suggested that First Lady Melania Trump, along with Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, should go back to their home country.

Navarro was making a false equivalency. The main difference between the three individuals cited and the Squad, is that the three don’t routinely call our nation “garbage” or call its citizens “ignorant.”

Political strategist Symone Sanders, a former CNN contributor and current adviser for Joe Biden, once said: “We don’t need white people leading the Democratic party.”

And of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t remind viewers that CNN’s Don Lemon has singled out “white men” as the biggest terror threat in America and launched multiple verbal racist attacks at Trump supporter Kanye West.

Perhaps CNN should do a little self-reflection instead of trying to bait women into agreeing with them.

Cross posted at the Mental Recession

Rusty Weiss

Rusty Weiss

Rusty Weiss is editor of the Mental Recession, one of the top conservative blogs of 2012. His writings have appeared at the Daily Caller, American Thinker,, Big Government, the Times Union, and the Troy Record.


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