50 years ago, a car went off a bridge and someone drowned

50 years ago, a car went off a bridge and someone drowned
Ted Kenneday, May Jo Kopechne (Images: Left—U.S. Senate, right—provided)

Alternate headline: Some people did something.

If the accident that claimed the life of 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne fifty years ago had happened within the last hour and little else were known about the tragedy, the passive construction Kennedy’s car went off a bridge into the water might be excusable from a journalistic standpoint. But when the facts are as clearly laid out as they have been beginning mere hours after the deadly crash occurred, the phraseology doesn’t pass muster.

Yet that is how the Associated Press chose to recall the event in a tweet marking its fiftieth anniversary.

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What would have been a more satisfactory — or at least more honest — formulation? This one by the New York Post’s Brooke Rogers (h/t Twitchy):

Rogers adds in a subsequent tweet:

Ted Kennedy has been dead ten years, and telling the truth about the events of that night is still verboten, at least for the elite media. Fortunately, we have reliable sources like People magazine to note that Kennedy’s first course of action after swimming to safety was to call his mistress, not his wife.

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