Tomorrow, the massive ICE sweep that the Trump administration had previously planned and then postponed, is scheduled to occur. Illegal aliens who have flouted deportation orders will be the primary targets of the roundup, though you’d never guess that from the slanted coverage provided by the mainstream media.
As Trump seeks to tighten immigration laws, presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren seeks to loosen them many times over. As noted by Fox News, on Thursday Warren unveiled a plan that would increase the number of refugee admissions to the U.S. by nearly 800%.
By the end of her first term, Warren said she would increase admissions to 175,000 per year with a ceiling of 125,000 in her first year in the White House. That first figure would be a massive increase (795 percent) over the roughly 22,000 admitted in FY2018 — a result of President Trump’s restrictionist approach that Warren decried on Thursday.
In a tweet announcing her “immigration reform” plan, Warren wrote:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Immigrants are our neighbors, our colleagues, and our friends — and every bit as much a part of America as those who were born in the United States. Our immigration system must be fair, humane, and reflect our values. Our neighbors shouldn’t have to live in fear.
Even though the plan is supposedly meant to offer refuge to the “70 million people displaced around the world,” the last sentence strongly suggests that a President Warren would welcome illegals with open arms.
Some commentators have theorized that the move is intended as part of Warren’s “economic patriotism agenda” — a policy that, in the words of Breitbart’s John Binder, “provides businesses and corporations with a never-ending stream of cheaper foreign workers that America’s working and middle class will be forced to compete against.” How this initiative dovetails with Warren’s promise to bring jobs and tax relief to the middle class remains to be seen.