As regular readers likely will have noticed, LU has a new look this morning. We hope you like the new design as much as we do and look forward to your feedback.
Most of the features are the same as before and in the same place. Our Web Crawler remains firmly rooted in the rightmost column, Quick Takes in the center.
The single biggest change is the replacement of the static block of images that used to appear at the top of the page with a dynamic scroll bar. The titles appearing here, which are clickable, are the nine most recent articles. The same titles and more may also be accessed by clicking “Latest Columns” in the menu bar or by scrolling down to “The Latest.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
I did want to clarify for newer readers that Web Crawler is a collection of excerpts from news and opinion articles culled from all across the internet and representing a broad spectrum of ideologies. These articles are not written by LU writers and the opinions expressed in them are not necessarily those of the editors.
Happy blogging.