During his political speech about executive actions on gun control, Barack Obama proved there’s no lie he’s unwilling to tell regarding alleged loopholes in the buying process.
A Washington Post investigation in 2013 revealed that there are three scenarios in which an online purchase can be made.
First, if you try to buy a firearm over the Internet from one of the nation’s 130,000 or so* federal firearms license holders, then you have to go through a background check, period. They’ll ship the gun to your nearest licensed dealer. There’s no loophole there.
Likewise, if you want to buy a gun online from any seller in another state, they can’t just mail the gun to your doorstep. The Gun Control Act of 1968 strictly regulates direct mail of virtually all firearms across state lines, save for antiques. Again, the seller has to ship the gun to a federally licensed dealer. The buyer would then have to go to that dealer, fill out paperwork, and undergo a background check before picking up the gun.
The third option involves a buyer and seller simply meeting up in person. Which isn’t even vaguely an online transaction.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Dana Loesch details further why Obama’s statement is flat-out false (h/t Conservative Firing Line).
You can’t order a gun on the Internet and have it shipped to your house all Amazon Prime-like. If you purchase online you must go to an FFL and the transaction is only completed after you pass your background check in the store. I’ve purchased several guns this way.
There is no such thing as a “loophole.” Everything is regulated. I’ve written at length on this:
Background checks already exist for purchases made online. Newsflash to Manchin: When you purchase guns online they aren’t shipped to your house like an Amazon delivery. They must be shipped to a FFL where you then go, fill out a 4473, get your background check, and if cleared you can take it home. Period. This law already exists. You cannot carry a firearm, much less purchase one, if you are a prohibited possessor be it at a store, gun show, or Internet. Period. It’s already regulated.
More importantly, Obama lied to further push a gun control agenda which will do very little to stop criminals from obtaining weapons. A study from the University of Chicago shows that criminals tend to avoid legal avenues when it comes to purchasing their guns.
We’re assuming you’re making a shocked face right now.
Cross-posted at the Mental Recession