Barack Obama’s shedding of crocodile tears during his already-politicized address to the American public on his need for unilateral action to control guns may have been a first.
In other regards, however, his 33-minute televised address was very business as usual for him. Which it to say that in the process of explaining the series of life-altering events that brought him to this moment, he paused to tell us a little about himself.
Grabien notes that he spoke “about the pain of having to give speeches after mass shootings” and “about meeting Gabby Giffords shortly after she was shot”:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
He spoke about his support for the Second Amendment, his background as a constitutional law professor*, his critics, his frequent trouble locating his iPad, and perhaps most memorably, his anger when thinking about child victims of mass shootings.
If it’s starting to sound like Obama made frequent mention of himself, that’s because he did.
In total, we counted 76 references to himself during his 33-minute address.
The compilation reel of his self-references (self-reverence?) is here, boiled down into a manageable 2 minutes and 20 seconds.