This is what political correctness gets you. In a very disturbing report out of Sweden, one school told the parents of girls sexually molested by African migrants that “boys will be boys.” Worse yet, nothing was done to the boys.
According to a report posted by The Tundra Tabloids, via Fria Tider:
The school management refused to intervene when an African student molested girls in middle school with sexual advances. In the end the student raped a Swedish girl in a schoolyard bush, but despite the protests of the parents, the school management has decided that he will remain at the school.
– We get spit in the face because we are Swedes, says a parent to the Free Times.
It was a Saturday in October as the two girls visited a middle school in Alvesta. During the evening, they were accosted by two African students attending the same school.
The father of one of the most vulnerable girls had already last spring found out that one of the Africans involved had attacked his daughter with sexual advances and groping. Since then, the father brought a desperate struggle to get the school administration to do something about the situation at the school with a very high number of immigrant students.
– We had a meeting with the teacher and the assistant principal. The boys were not there, nor their parents, they can not speak Swedish. I told the headmaster that I wanted the police report it here but then she said that I need not to, that they would take care of it, he said today at Free Times.
– She said that “children are children and boys are boys, they are driven by their curiosity, and there is a lot happening in the body,” he continues.
Wait, what? It’s get even worse. The report continues:
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School officials, however, chose not to do anything to increase security for the girls. Instead talking about the harassment, the deputy headmaster however gave a long explanation in which she stressed “human equality” and suggested, that the claims of the father, that he and the other parents’ concerns were due to prejudice and racial stereotypes.
Translation: The father is supposed to turn a blind eye to his daughter being groped and raped, and any concerns they may have are due to racism.
But there’s more. According to the original report — a rough translation of which can be seen here — one girl was reportedly raped on the schoolyard by one of the migrants. When the father threatened to pull his daughter out for her own safety, he was threatened with legal action.
Adding insult to injury, the father said school authorities reacted with total indifference. If that’s not enough, the boys apparently can’t be charged under Swedish law.
Welcome to the new normal in Europe…
(h/t Gateway Pundit)
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