My mother always said, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.” So let me say with respect a video of young Hispanic children dropping f-bombs in the direction of GOP candidate Donald Trump that their English is excellent.
One can only hope the profane little darlings are but puppets of the website DeportRacism.com, which is responsible for this vile obscenity. In addition to regurgitating a steady stream of four-letter words, the kiddies flip plenty of bird and take whacks at a piñata that resembles the Donald.
Breitbart’s Joel Pollak explains that the profanity-laced tirade is tied to a movement to prevent Trump from appearing on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” endorsed by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
The video follows, along with the transcript, which was been redacted. Warning: Very graphic language emanating from very young children whose parents should be very, very ashamed.
¡Hola, Donald Trump! Screaming, “get out of my country!”, Republicans use offensive words. So here’s a few of our own: F*ck you, racist f*ck! We’re Latino kids born in the USA! And we’ve got something to say. I’m Rosa. I’m Ricardo. My friends call me Rick. But you keep calling me “anchor baby”? Wow. Racist d*ck! When you say Mexican immigrants are rapists, murderers, and drug dealers, you know it’s racist code for words like “spics,” “wetbacks” and “beaners.” And you have attacked people for speaking “Mexican” in this nation. It’s Spanish, idiota! Maybe a little less hairspray and more education? Millions of working Latinos would be deported if you get your loco way, pendejo. If you’re in the White House, for America, there would be nothing but bad hair days. Yo, Trump! You may be high in the polls, thanks to pinches racist suckers, but your whole thing has to come from me. If you try to deport my abuelita, motherf*ckers! You see, the Constitution makes me a citizen. And you hate that because I’m brown! And you say you’re a patriot? But you want to tear the Bill of Rights? How? I’m an American, born in the USA. This is my home. You can’t take my rights away. If you don’t like our Constitution and what it stands for, get the f*ck out of my country. There’s the door!