This one is interesting. In an interview with CNN host Don Lemon, Morgan Freeman (still the best actor-president of all, even if he is a standard-issue flaming lib on most topics) blows dismissively past a race-card gambit. Lemon offers him the bait — “Do you think that race plays a part in wealth distribution?” — and Freeman simply refuses to take it.
It’s interesting because from the statistical standpoint, race certainly seems to have a correlative connection with wealth (or at least with income. Wealth is less reliably or routinely measured).
Freeman’s thought process seems to be that the real question is not a statistical one but a moral-prescriptive one. The point isn’t what the statistical outcome is, but what people have the freedom and opportunity to do — and what their characters enable them to take advantage of.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Imagine that.