Who says MSNBC, despite its flagging ratings, isn’t good for advertising? Just ask General Mills, makers of Cheerios. The company has been receiving consierable free publicity from yesterday’s racist tweet by a since-dismissed MSNBC employee who suggested that conservatives are opposed to interracial families. The tweet referenced a new Cheerios ad in its current campaign, which features a black father, white mother, and their biological daughter.
A meme has arisen on Twitter that centers on photos of mixed-race families holding up boxes of the breakfast cereal.
As for the protestations by network president Phil Griffin that yesterday’s infelicitous tweet does not represent the views of ideals of the MSNBC family, he apparently forgets (or hopes you’ll forget) that a little more than a month ago, on-air “talent” Melissa Harris-Perry yukked it up with a group of fellow mouth breathers over a photograph of Mitt Romney’s extended family — which includes an adopted black grandchild.