Is there a more fitting place to advertise the virtues of Obamacare than on the side of a toilet? This is a question that Washington State has answered in the affirmative. The state, writes Sarah Kliff of The Washington Post, has contracted with a supplier of porta-potties to use the space on their odoriferous conveyances to urge Evergreen State concert-goers to sign up for the law.
“The outreach,” writes Kliff, “underscores how states have become willing to try almost anything to make their pitch in the face of a poorly informed and politically divided public. With 82 days left until the insurance marketplaces open for business, public awareness remains low. Most polling data suggest that few Americans are aware of how the Affordable Care Act works — or that it even exists….
Nationally, a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found 42 percent of Americans were uncertain whether Obamacare was still a law. Gallup found last month that 56 percent of the uninsured were not aware of the law’s requirement to buy health insurance coverage by 2014.
Anne Filipic, president of Enroll America, agrees that getting Americans to sign on is proving to be a struggle. “The folks we’re trying to reach,” she says, “have some skepticism from their past experience with the health-care system.”
To add to the difficulties supporters of the initiative are facing, opponents have been outspending advocates five to one.