Announcing HILLARY WATCH 2016: We read, we report, so you can ignore

Announcing HILLARY WATCH 2016: We read, we report, so you can ignore

Photo credit:  Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

The day after the 2012 presidential election was the unofficial beginning of the mainstream media’s (MSM) obsession with Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (HRC) political plans for 2016. Now given that Friday, February 1st  is the day when HRC steps down as Secretary of State to resume her life as a private citizen, this is the perfect week to launch an occasional new series aptly named Hillary Watch 2016.

(An alternative name is Hillary News You Can Do Without. Or, if you prefer, we could have a contest naming this series; suggestions please.)

The justification for Hillary Watch 2016  is as follows:

Throughout the MSM it has already been determined that HRC is the Future President of the United States. (Either the MSM all crowded into one big time machine and viewed the election results from the evening of November 8, 2016 or the MSM willed it to happen, but both yield the same results.)

Thus, I thought it prudent to launch a series identifying news accounts in support of this “unstoppable event.”

Let us begin with some recent reports that are firm foundations for what you are likely to read in future Hillary Watch 2016 installments.

First, a widely reported headline.  (And I chose the Washington Post to showcase the headline story because they are founding members of the MSM,  and considered by many to be a “dinosaur news” outlet.) But expect the Washington Post to be on the rebound by playing a leading role in “the making of the future president” and vying for the title, Captain of the Cheerleading Squad.

Hillary Clinton Super PAC Launched

This is shocking, I say shocking, unexpected news and it comes as a complete surprise.  As will be the format in this new series, the first paragraph of a news item will be posted so you can avoid clicking the headline link.

A super PAC supporting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, “Ready for Hillary,” was registered with the Federal Election Commission on Friday. The group is chaired by Allida Black, founder of the Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project at George Washington University and Roosevelt Institute. Black was also behind a pro-Clinton PAC in the 2008 primary, WomenCount, and she pushed for Clinton’s name to be put into nomination at the convention that year.

Second is a news item, (again, widely reported) from Bloomberg Businessweek: 

Obama’s Parting Gift to Hillary Clinton

Last week campaign disclosure reports revealed that Hillary Clinton had finally retired the debt from her 2008 presidential campaign—with a little help from the guy who beat her, Barack Obama.Clinton’s debt once totaled more than $20 million, although it had dwindled to about $250,000 by last year. That’s when a team of top Obama donors decided to surprise Clinton, and thank her for her loyal service, by raising enough money to pay off her bills. As secretary of state, she was forbidden from political fundraising.

Third, this headline was reported on January 29th by BuzzFeed as part of Hillary’s week long media “goodbye tour.”

Hillary Clinton Will Write Another Memoir

During a “Global Townterview,” Clinton promises a memoir.  Rebuffs the inevitable 2016 questions.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she plans to write a memoir after leaving office during a “Global Townterview” event on Tuesday morning in which she took questions from people around the world.

“Yes, I will write a memoir,”Clinton said. “I don’t know what I will say in it yet.”

Clinton said her immediate plans after leaving involve “catching up on about 20 years of sleep deprivation.” Asked if she would run for president in 2016,Clinton laughed it off, saying she’s “not thinking about anything like that right now.”

And, as part of that same “goodbye tour” you probably saw or heard about “Hillary’s first 2016 campaign infomercial” with her endorser-in-chief, President Obama on 60 Minutes.

OK, OK, I assume you have had enough of our first Hillary Watch 2016? (But you must admit it was action packed.)

But wait there’s more, not news, but an opinion piece from yours truly about a powerful social and MSM movement with its goal of electing our first female president. That is what I believe is the real renewable energy source fueling Hillary’s 2016 engine.

On a housekeeping note, please comment if you think Hillary Watch 2016 should be a monthly, weekly, daily or minute by minute post. Your opinion is important because currently and especially in the next few years, there will be “binders full of women,” (and men) paying their mortgages by reporting on every last detail of HRC as a private citizen. (But that reporting should be interesting because, according to her, she plans on sleeping most of the time!)

Also, while you are at it, take a stab at answering the question, “Are you sick of  HRC yet?” And just for fun, as part of our public service connected to Hillary Watch 2016 we will try to keep a running tally of how often we hear the question, “Will she run?”  My educated guess is over 1.5 million times across all media platforms since the November, 2012 election.

Now, are you ready for some tragic news?

After eight years of President Obama, when HRC presumably takes office on January 20, 2017 the national debt will be more than $22 trillion and she will only be a puppet leader ruling over the United States of Beijing.

So in 2017 be prepared to hear, “This Tsingtao’s For You” where you once heard, “This Bud’s For You.”

See you all next time “our binders are full” of Hillary Watch 2016 news you’ll want to ignore!

Re-posted from PJ Media

Myra Kahn Adams

Myra Kahn Adams

Myra Kahn Adams is a media producer and political writer. She was on the 2004 Bush campaign's creative team and the 2008 McCain campaign's ad council. Writing credits include, National Review, Washington Examiner, World Net Daily, Breitbart and many others. Contact Myra at


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