It is a time for a stop-the-lunacy campaign where firearms are concerned. The reference here is not the lunacy that precipitates shootings but to loony actions like those of an administrator at a Cape Cod elementary school.
The Washington Times reports that on Tuesday 5-year-old Joseph Cardosa received his “first strike” in a two-strike program that culminates in suspension. And the suspension is not from classes, mind you, but from after-school playtime.
The child’s parents received a letter from the powers that be at Hyannis West Elementary School warning that Joseph was on report for using toys inappropriately.
So what was the boy’s offense? Did he strike another child? Nah, that would actually make sense. Instead, he clicked together two interlocking Lego blocks to fashion a toy gun.
View slideshow: Latest incident of ‘toy terrorism’
The school’s principal told a local television station:
We need a safe environment for our students. While someone might think that making a Lego gun is just an action of a 5-year-old, to other 5-year-olds, that might be a scary experience.
Speaking of “scary,” this ridiculous overreaction is just the most recent in a spate of such incidents following the Newtown shootings. On Jan. 19, a kindergartner at a school in Pennsylvania was found guilty of a “terrorist threat” after aiming a gun that fires bubbles at a classmate. Prior to that two separate incidents were cause for alarm in Maryland public schools when children at play formed guns out of their fingers. In both cases, the guilty parties were 6 years old. And in both cases, they were suspended.
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