Whether or not you believe that instituting background checks on prospective gun owners will cut down on gun violence, you’ll probably find a similar requirement on owners of specific dog breeds to be perhaps a bridge too far.
Animal lovers in North Carolina did not take kindly to proposed legislation by a state lawmaker that would require owners of large and “dangerous” breeds to undergo such checks.
Fox News reports that Rep. Rodney Moore, the Charlotte Democrat who sponsored the bill, was unprepared for the visceral public reaction to the measure, which targets owners of pit bulls, mastiffs, and Rottweilers. His office received thousands of emails protesting the plan, many of them from pit bull owners who attached photos of their dogs looking cute and “passive.”
“I’ve been inundated,” Moore told reporters. “It’s a good idea, but maybe the language was kind of harsh.” He said he would get stakeholders together to talk about animal-safety issues.
But it’s not likely he’ll get the kind of turnout he envisions.As a legislative aide told Law Blog, “This is not a state where you can mess with people’s dogs.”
The legislation, in any case, died in committee.
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