WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin: ‘We have to collectively burn down the Republican Party’

WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin: ‘We have to collectively burn down the Republican Party’
Jennifer Rubin (Image: YouTube screen grab)

Last Thursday The Atlantic’s Russell Berman wrote a piece titled “Trump Moves Into the Burn-It-Down Phase.” Berman was using the “burn it down” meme figuratively to characterize Donald Trump’s “shocking” claims that “the media had deliberately released ‘phony polls’ to suppress Republican turnout.” But it still seemed a curious observation coming on the heels of five straight months of riots by the Left in which one of their chief M.O.s was literally setting fires to large swaths of several American cities. In fact Macy’s flagship store and other businesses across the country preemptively boarded up their windows ahead of election against the advent that Donald Trump might pull off another “upset.”

Over the weekend, the Washington Post’s “former conservative” columnist Jennifer Rubin reprised the “burn it down” meme, but this time it was issued as a directive to her fellow progressives. In her role as a commentator on MSNBC, Rubin said:

It’s not only that Trump has to lose, his enablers have to lose. We have to collectively burn down the Republican Party. We have to level them. Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will [elect a president] again.


Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

God forbid the Republicans will ever elect another president!

It’s not clear how Rubin envisions “leveling” the Republican Party, but she has company in the likes of socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who on Friday threw in with an outfit that calls itself the Trump Accountability Project whose mission is never to “forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.”

Where is New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to lecture his own party about their lack of civility. Oh, that’s right. Never mind.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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