Just when you thought it was safe to turn on your TV, House Democrats want to bring you a rehash of an old show: “The Russiagate Impeachment Chronicles Redux” Pelosi, Schiff, and company are suing the Department of Justice (DOJ) to get their hands on all the redacted grand jury material from the Robert Mueller investigation. The DOJ is asking for a stay of the Democratic demand until the full case can be argued and decided.
On Monday, the Democrats gave the high court their reasons for wanting access to the ordinarily secret Grand Jury testimony. According to Fox News:
House Democrats told the Supreme Court … that they are again in the midst of an “ongoing presidential impeachment investigation” as part of their “weighty constitutional responsibility” – and, the Democrats argued, redacted grand-jury material from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s now-completed Russia probe must be turned over as a result.
Per their argument, the Dems are worried that if a stay is granted, they won’t be able to impeach Trump before their terms run out. Obviously, they don’t care about this country if they want to put it through another bogus impeachment. The DOJ argues that the Dems have already made America suffer enough. Per the Dems’ statement of opposition to the DOJ’s stay of mandate:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
There is no merit to DOJ’s additional argument that the Committee no longer has a particularized need for the requested grand-jury material because the President was impeached and acquitted on separate Articles of Impeachment several months ago. The Committee’s investigation did not cease with the conclusion of the impeachment trial. The Committee “has continued and will continue those investigations consistent with its own prior statements respecting their importance and purposes.” The withheld material remains central to the Committee’s ongoing investigation into the President’s conduct. If this material reveals new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles adopted by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly — including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment.
In plainer English, the Democrats have nothing on the president, so they want to go fishing. They also mention their wish to investigate Barr’s decisions regarding Roger Stone and General Flynn.
Robert Mueller, who is no supporter of the president, found no evidence supporting theories that Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia to sway the 2016 election. In fact, recent reports suggest that John Brennan hid documents indicating that Vladimir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win.
This Democratic Party suit’s is just its latest attempt to slander the president in the hopes of pushing him out of office by Election Day, if not before.
Cross posted at The Lid