It’s come to this.
Back in January, when the president ordered a travel ban to and from China, the media couldn’t go far enough to minimize the threat of the coronavirus. As Hans Bader wrote:
The media mocked people who took coronavirus seriously as a threat. … Journalists frequently depicted people who sounded the alarm as being racist or paranoid. … The New York Times suggested that fears triggered by coronavirus were a bigger problem than coronavirus itself.
In the time since, they have done a full 180. Along the way, they have identified the man they hold most responsible for the spread of the virus in the U.S.: Donald Trump.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Not only has Trump not done enough to mitigate the pandemic in their estimation. He has also done too much — meaning, according to CNN’s Chris Cuomo, that he is now advocating allowing the elderly to die in order to salvage the U.S. economy.
Watch, beginning at 0:54 (transcript follows):
The president should say himself what his fringe friends are saying. Have you heard it? They’re OK with a certain number of the frail and the greatest generation dying off to make the economy come back sooner. Just say it. Because they’re saying it for you, and your actions show the same inclination.
Bear in mind that back in 2009, Chris Cuomo was an avid supporter of Obamacare despite its reliance on what critics dubbed “death panels.” As a host of “Good Morning America,” he took then-RNC Chairman Michael Steele to task for an op-ed he published in the Washington Post calling for a “Seniors’ Health Care Bill of Rights.” “Now Mr. Steele,” he said, “here in this health care bill of rights — very interesting what is not here, the word ‘death panel’ is not anywhere in here. Is this a sign of positive progress, that we’re not going to talk about death panels anymore as a scare tactic?”
Now Cuomo is using the same scare tactic himself.