Early on in the search for a nominee they could run against Donald Trump, the Democrats were more concerned with appearance than substance. They boasted about having the “most diverse field” in presidential history, which you have to be a liberal to understand.
Then one by one, the electorate betrayed them. They turned their back on the two blacks, one of them a woman(!) and the one Hispanic in the race. Next came the Asian. Several days ago, one of the two remaining women threw in the towel, and so did the lone gay candidate.
Now the field is effectively down to two candidates, both of them very old, very white men. One of them, a self-proclaimed socialist with marked communist tendencies, was a headache for the Democratic leadership since his proposed brand of governance would never fly as the mainstream Democratic banner.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The other candidate, a two-time loser for the party’s nomination, attracted some interest early on as Barack Obama’s former second in command. But then he began to make public appearances. Prospective voters learned the word haberdasher and were reminded of a home entertainment antiquity known as a record player. His numbers tanked and he was left for dead.
Then something miraculous happened. This old, out-of-touch, doddering, white-haired man managed to pull off a victory in the South Carolina primary. Then on Super Tuesday (or Thursday) he won a slew of other states, including delegate-rich Texas and even Maine. Lazarus had arisen.
Democrats are now jubilant, going through the motions of prepping their presumptive nominee. They have coined the hashtag #Joementum, which they are using to raise money.
Happy days are there again!
But are they? What do the Democrats have in presidential hopeful Joe Biden beyond the relief that comes from maybe having dodged a bullet. They have a candidate who started off as a centrist, then pin-balled all over the left-ideological map looking for something that help him keep pace with the younger, farther left candidates. In June of 2019, he recanted his position on the Hyde Amendment, which bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape. His numbers nose-dived. In August of that year, his own wife urged voters effectively to take a deep breath, hold your nose, and vote for Joe.
Biden meantime continued to tour the country, stumbling over or slurring his words, forgetting which city he was in, trying to sound “with it” by, for example, urging supporters to “go to Joe 30330.” In December his failing campaign adopted a new slogan that was suitably old-fogeyish: No Malarkey.
Somehow now, two and a half months later, Democrats are enthusiastically pushing this same bit of damaged goods they relegated to the junk heap just a week ago. Do they believe that Biden’s faltering mental state is suddenly going to improve? That he’ll have something to offer on the campaign trail other the same platitudes?
Or are they just kidding themselves?