Maxine Waters still peddles Russia collusion conspiracy but admits having no facts to prove it

Maxine Waters still peddles Russia collusion conspiracy but admits having no facts to prove it
Maxine Waters (Image via Twitter)

Toward the end of J. M. Barrie’s childhood classic “Peter Pan,” the audience is asked to demonstrate its belief in the power of the imagination by clapping loudly for the ailing sprite Tinkerbell. “I believe, I believe” Peter says on stage, urging ever louder applause.

The play must have had a profound effect on Rep. Maxine Waters. The Califonria congresswoman recently appeared on CNN, where she said she still believes Donald Trump colluded with Russia, despite its having long been debunked.

“Because I believe, even though I don’t have the facts to prove it, I believe that Putin wanted to lift the sanctions. He’s always wanted to lift the sanctions that were placed on him because of his interfering and encouraging into Crimea,” she said.

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She also said she’ll always believe the conspiracy no matter what.

So I believe that they wanted to elect President Trump and Trump, I believe agreed. I will always believe this, that he agreed if he got elected that he would lift those sanctions. He would like to do it. He’s not been able to do it, but when they talk about we’re just making things up, and he talks about this as a witch hunt, there are too many facts.

Here’s video:

Waters also questioned the patriotism of Republicans who disagree with her and her fellow leftists — in other words, those who refuse to clap for Tinkerbell.

This president will not condemn Putin for hacking into the Democratic National Committee. He will not condemn him for hacking into our election system. These are facts. Seventeen of our intelligence agencies have said this. Are these patriots or not? I mean, what do they think about our Democracy being undermined by the President of the United States of America?

Reaction on Twitter was predictable:


Joe Newby

Joe Newby

Joe Newby is an IT professional. He has written for Conservative Firing Line, Examiner, NewsBusters, and Spokane Faith and Values.


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