Hmm, remember when MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough was a conservative? You’d never guess it ever since he started sleeping with his very liberal married co-host, who he eventually married himself after she jettisoned her first hubby. Back in the early days, I would regularly watch Scarborough’s show, “Morning Joe.” That was before the host joined the rest of his network in espousing conspiracy theories and ad hominem attacks on Donald Trump.
According to Scarborough’s latest theory, which he gives vent to in the video below, if the Senate were to conduct a secret impeachment ballot right now, Trump would be removed from office and Mike Pence would be elevated to the Oval Office within hours.
In the segment Scarborough goes on to claim that GOP senators prefer to “talk about policy” and not the president’s attempts to “loot the federal treasury to make hundreds of thousands of dollars” at his resorts. Is Scarborough even aware that the president had planned to host the G7 at his Doral, Fla., resort at not charge?
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Mike Barnicle, a regular guest on the show, adds that he doesn’t think any member of the Senate “would want their children or grandchildren to espouse the values that Donald Trump maintains each and every day of his life.” Scarborough agrees. For a man who did the nasty with another man’s wife, now that’s rich!
Below, courtesy of NewsBusters, is a video and the transcript of the rest of Morning Joe’s latest anti-Trump flight of fancy.
Yeah. I tell you something else to always remember, Mika, is, that we always have to remember is, that when a pollster calls up and says, do you support the president? Do you not support the president? A lot of people in the tribes, they go to their corner. And don’t always say exactly what they think.
And just like people used to be ashamed to admit they support Donald Trump. In fact, nobody would admit to us whenever we went around and gave talks. Nobody would admit that they were voting for Donald Trump. And at one point I just started saying you’re all lying, because you’re all voting for him, stop lying and they’d laugh and go, yeah, we are.
Well, now as Donald Trump exits stage left, I suspect that we will see the same thing that people will be reluctant to admit publicly that they can’t put up with him anymore. But I had the funniest conversation with a guy in Florida about a month ago, and he knew I was on TV but didn’t watch the show that much because he always got up early golfing. And he goes, weren’t you a Republican congressman? I go, yeah, yeah, I was and had no idea that I’m a conservative[!] but I had problems with Donald Trump.
He goes, what are we going to do with that guy? I can’t stand the Democrats. I can’t stand Hillary. I can’t stand Elizabeth Warren. I can’t vote for any of those people but, man, he’s out of control. We need Mike Pence in the White House. And he went on and on and on.
And I felt, Willie, you’ll remember this, I felt like I was Eddie Murphy in that scene [from this SNL skit, begins at 3:38] where everybody thought he was white, and he went behind the scenes to see what happened. Went around, and suddenly he found out that bankers gave white people money and didn’t make them sign loans or anything like that. It was a peek behind the curtain.
So, it may say 92% there supporting Donald Trump and not wanting the impeachment inquiry. But, Mika, it’s actually the fear and loathing is rising. And that is something that Republican members of the Hill are picking up on.
Cross posted at The Lid