Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist who said that meeting Donald Trump during her upcoming visit to America would be a “waste,” is not quite as pure as she thinks.
Much has been made of the fact that Thunberg will be traveling to the U.S. via a “zero-carbon” high-tech racing yacht instead of flying. The teen, who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize(!), is heading to New York for a U.N. summit on the climate.
When asked if she would meet with the president, she answered, “Why should I waste time talking to him when he, of course, is not going to listen to me?” Apart from the fact no invitation to meet with the the president was tendered, she sounds like the sort of smug teen whose face the Left would like to slap.
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As for her vaunted boat trip, it, too, has been tarnished by the revelation that, once the ship reaches port, two crew members will need to be flown across the Atlantic to bring the boat back. According to Firstpost:
A spokeswoman for Team Malizia said it’ll be necessary to fly the crew to the U.S. because the high-profile trip with the 16-year-old Swedish campaigner that left Plymouth on Wednesday was arranged at very short notice.
Holly Cova [the team’s manager] told The Associated Press by email Friday that “we only have one boat, so they cannot easily sail over to meet them.”
Kinda takes the starch out of Thunberg’s sails, no?
Cova said the team recognises it’s “an imperfect solution” but believes offsetting the emissions by funding carbon-reducing projects elsewhere “is better than doing nothing.”
Wow, carbon credits! We haven’t heard mention of that feat of ideological legerdemain in years. The last time this favorite ploy of climate king and carbon abuser Al Gore made headlines was when Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign promised (and then reneged on the promise) to buy “carbon offsets” to atone for her numerous private jet rides. (RELATED: Study: People who claim to worry about climate change use more electricity than those who don’t.)
By the way, there is no word on how young Greta and her father, who is accompanying her on the trip, plan to get back to Europe. Perhaps she plans to walk.