Image of the Day: What about this Time magazine cover has the Left up in arms?

Image of the Day: What about this Time magazine cover has the Left up in arms?
Time magazine cover

Days after Donald Trump trolled the Left by riffing on a Time magazine cover from 2018 that one exercised liberal wrote depicted him “threatening to be president for eternity,” the new issue of Time is out and, as luck would have it, Trump is on the cover again. This time, however, the Left is incensed for an entirely different reason.

Take a look at the cover, which follows, and see if you can isolate the reason for their angst:

Time magazine cover

If you failed to find it, I will give you the hint that you should be looking for what the picture doesn’t show.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Give up? The cover photograph doesn’t portray Trump in a negative light. Unlike the cover of the August 23, 2018 issue (below), which showed the president (and his presidency) taking on water — literally — this most recent photo is rather flattering: presidential, one might say.

rum Time magazine cover

Among those disappointed that Time’s production department couldn’t at least show the president with his hair on fire was MSNBC’s Howard Fineman, who tweeted out:

Fineman wasn’t finished. He then resorted to the typical leftist playbook and compared the president to Hitler.

Apparently, Fineman is of the opinion that everyone with whom he disagrees is Hitler, an opinion one would expect from an uneducated prepubescent who does nothing all day but watch certain networks while snorting condoms, not a so-called “trained journalist.”

Then again, he does work for MSNBC, so it all sort of makes some perverse sense.

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Joe Newby

Joe Newby

Joe Newby is an IT professional. He has written for Conservative Firing Line, Examiner, NewsBusters, and Spokane Faith and Values.


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